[ClusterLabs] Connectivity is degraded (Expected=300)

Rafał Sanocki rafal.sanocki at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 14:24:10 UTC 2016

Can you tell if that message is correct "

  #crm_mon -A
Online: [ nodeA nodeB ]
failover-ip1    (ocf::pacemaker:wall):  Started nodeB
  Clone Set: my-conn
      Started: [ nodeA nodeB ]
  Clone Set: my-connp
      Started: [ nodeA nodeB ]
Node Attributes:
* Node nodeA:
     + arping                            : 0
     + pingd                             : 200           : Connectivity 
is degraded (Expected=300)
* Node nodeB:
     + arping                            : 100
     + pingd                             : 200           : Connectivity 
is degraded (Expected=300)

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