[ClusterLabs] Alert notes

Dimitri Maziuk dmaziuk at bmrb.wisc.edu
Fri Jun 17 17:38:26 UTC 2016

On 06/17/2016 11:12 AM, Jan Pokorný wrote:

> (that being said, I've already presented my subversive opinion that
> shell introduces more headaches than reasonable, as using it may be
> most natural and with almost no barriers to entry, but it's actually quite
> hard to make scripts bullet-proof; say chances the script will be derailed
> just with a space-contained [not talking about quotes] parameter are
> quite high: http://clusterlabs.org/pipermail/users/2015-May/000403.html)

C has no strings, shells (plural) are evil, perl is unmaintainable, VM
(or whatever you call it: runtime, garbagle-collected)-based ones are
top-heavy and unpredictable, and python is the worst of all worlds. But
hey, it still way ahead of C++ on sanity points. Anyone tried gnat lately?

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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