[ClusterLabs] problems with a CentOS7 SBD cluster

Marcin Dulak marcin.dulak at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 20:05:59 UTC 2016


I'm trying to get familiar with STONITH Block Devices (SBD) on a 3-node
CentOS7 built in VirtualBox.
The complete setup is available at
so hopefully with some help I'll be able to make it work.

Question 1:
The shared device /dev/sbd1 is the VirtualBox's "shareable hard disk"
will SBD fencing work with that type of storage?

I start the cluster using vagrant_1.8.1 and virtualbox-4.3 with:
$ vagrant up  # takes ~15 minutes

The setup brings up the nodes, installs the necessary packages, and
prepares for the configuration of the pcs cluster.
You can see which scripts the nodes execute at the bottom of the
While there is 'yum -y install sbd' on CentOS7 the fence_sbd agent has not
been packaged yet.
Therefore I rebuild Fedora 24 package using the latest
plus the update to the fence_sbd from

The configuration is inspired by
https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7009485 and

Question 2:
After reading http://blog.clusterlabs.org/blog/2015/sbd-fun-and-profit I
expect with just one stonith resource configured
a node will be fenced when I stop pacemaker and corosync `pcs cluster stop
node-1` or just `stonith_admin -F node-1`, but this is not the case.

As can be seen below from uptime, the node-1 is not shutdown by `pcs
cluster stop node-1` executed on itself.
I found some discussions on users at clusterlabs.org about whether a node
running SBD resource can fence itself,
but the conclusion was not clear to me.

Question 3:
Neither node-1 is fenced by `stonith_admin -F node-1` executed on node-2,
despite the fact
/var/log/messages on node-2 (the one currently running MyStonith) reporting:
notice: Operation 'off' [3309] (call 2 from stonith_admin.3288) for host
'node-1' with device 'MyStonith' returned: 0 (OK)
What is happening here?

Question 4 (for the future):
Assuming the node-1 was fenced, what is the way of operating SBD?
I see the sbd lists now:
0       node-3  clear
1       node-1  off    node-2
2       node-2  clear
How to clear the status of node-1?

Question 5 (also for the future):
While the relation 'stonith-timeout = Timeout (msgwait) + 20%' presented
is clearly described, I wonder about the relation of 'stonith-timeout'
to other timeouts like the 'monitor interval=60s' reported by `pcs stonith
show MyStonith`.

Here is how I configure the cluster and test it. The run.sh script is

$ sh -x run01.sh 2>&1 | tee run01.txt

with the result:

$ cat run01.txt

Each block below shows the executed ssh command and the result.

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs cluster auth -u hacluster -p password
node-1 node-2 node-3'
node-1: Authorized
node-3: Authorized
node-2: Authorized

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs cluster setup --name mycluster node-1
node-2 node-3'
Shutting down pacemaker/corosync services...
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  pacemaker.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  corosync.service
Killing any remaining services...
Removing all cluster configuration files...
node-1: Succeeded
node-2: Succeeded
node-3: Succeeded
Synchronizing pcsd certificates on nodes node-1, node-2, node-3...
node-1: Success
node-3: Success
node-2: Success
Restaring pcsd on the nodes in order to reload the certificates...
node-1: Success
node-3: Success
node-2: Success

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs cluster start --all'
node-3: Starting Cluster...
node-2: Starting Cluster...
node-1: Starting Cluster...

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'corosync-cfgtool -s'
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 1
    id    =
    status    = ring 0 active with no faults

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs status corosync'
Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
         1          1 node-1 (local)
         2          1 node-2
         3          1 node-3

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs status'
Cluster name: mycluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Last updated: Sat Jun 25 15:40:51 2016        Last change: Sat Jun 25
15:40:33 2016 by hacluster via crmd on node-2
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node-2 (version 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2-44eb2dd) - partition with
3 nodes and 0 resources configured
Online: [ node-1 node-2 node-3 ]
Full list of resources:
PCSD Status:
  node-1: Online
  node-2: Online
  node-3: Online
Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'sbd -d /dev/sdb1 list'
0    node-3    clear
1    node-2    clear
2    node-1    clear

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'sbd -d /dev/sdb1 dump'
==Dumping header on disk /dev/sdb1
Header version     : 2.1
UUID               : 79f28167-a207-4f2a-a723-aa1c00bf1dee
Number of slots    : 255
Sector size        : 512
Timeout (watchdog) : 10
Timeout (allocate) : 2
Timeout (loop)     : 1
Timeout (msgwait)  : 20
==Header on disk /dev/sdb1 is dumped

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs stonith list'
fence_sbd - Fence agent for sbd

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs stonith create MyStonith fence_sbd
devices=/dev/sdb1 power_timeout=21 action=off'
ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs property set stonith-enabled=true'
ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs property set stonith-timeout=24s'
ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs property'
Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: mycluster
 dc-version: 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2-44eb2dd
 have-watchdog: true
 stonith-enabled: true
 stonith-timeout: 24s
 stonith-watchdog-timeout: 10s

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs stonith show MyStonith'
 Resource: MyStonith (class=stonith type=fence_sbd)
  Attributes: devices=/dev/sdb1 power_timeout=21 action=off
  Operations: monitor interval=60s (MyStonith-monitor-interval-60s)

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs cluster stop node-1 '
node-1: Stopping Cluster (pacemaker)...
node-1: Stopping Cluster (corosync)...

ssh node-2 -c sudo su - -c 'pcs status'
Cluster name: mycluster
Last updated: Sat Jun 25 15:42:29 2016        Last change: Sat Jun 25
15:41:09 2016 by root via cibadmin on node-1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: node-2 (version 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2-44eb2dd) - partition with
3 nodes and 1 resource configured
Online: [ node-2 node-3 ]
OFFLINE: [ node-1 ]
Full list of resources:
 MyStonith    (stonith:fence_sbd):    Started node-2
PCSD Status:
  node-1: Online
  node-2: Online
  node-3: Online
Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

ssh node-2 -c sudo su - -c 'stonith_admin -F node-1 '

ssh node-2 -c sudo su - -c 'grep stonith-ng /var/log/messages'
Jun 25 15:40:11 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Additional logging
available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
Jun 25 15:40:11 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Connecting to cluster
infrastructure: corosync
Jun 25 15:40:11 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc:
Node node-2[2] - state is now member (was (null))
Jun 25 15:40:12 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Watching for stonith
topology changes
Jun 25 15:40:12 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Added 'watchdog' to
the device list (1 active devices)
Jun 25 15:40:12 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc:
Node node-3[3] - state is now member (was (null))
Jun 25 15:40:12 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc:
Node node-1[1] - state is now member (was (null))
Jun 25 15:40:12 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: New watchdog timeout
10s (was 0s)
Jun 25 15:41:03 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Relying on watchdog
integration for fencing
Jun 25 15:41:04 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Added 'MyStonith' to
the device list (2 active devices)
Jun 25 15:41:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc:
Node node-1[1] - state is now lost (was member)
Jun 25 15:41:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Removing node-1/1 from
the membership list
Jun 25 15:41:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Purged 1 peers with
id=1 and/or uname=node-1 from the membership cache
Jun 25 15:42:33 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Client
stonith_admin.3288.eb400ac9 wants to fence (off) 'node-1' with device
Jun 25 15:42:33 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Initiating remote
operation off for node-1: 848cd1e9-55e4-4abc-8d7a-3762eaaf9ab4 (0)
Jun 25 15:42:33 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: watchdog can not fence
(off) node-1: static-list
Jun 25 15:42:33 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: MyStonith can fence
(off) node-1: dynamic-list
Jun 25 15:42:33 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: watchdog can not fence
(off) node-1: static-list
Jun 25 15:42:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Operation 'off' [3309]
(call 2 from stonith_admin.3288) for host 'node-1' with device 'MyStonith'
returned: 0 (OK)
Jun 25 15:42:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]:  notice: Operation off of
node-1 by node-2 for stonith_admin.3288 at node-2.848cd1e9: OK
Jun 25 15:42:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]: warning: new_event_notification
(3102-3288-12): Broken pipe (32)
Jun 25 15:42:54 localhost stonith-ng[3102]: warning: st_notify_fence
notification of client stonith_admin.3288.eb400a failed: Broken pipe (-32)

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'sbd -d /dev/sdb1 list'
0    node-3    clear
1    node-2    clear
2    node-1    off    node-2

ssh node-1 -c sudo su - -c 'uptime'
 15:43:31 up 21 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.18, 0.11


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