[ClusterLabs] Cluster administration from non-root users

Auer, Jens jens.auer at cgi.com
Mon Jun 13 11:57:16 UTC 2016


I am trying to give admin rights to my clusters to non-root users. I have two users which need to be able to control the cluster. Both are members of the haclient group, and I have created acl roles granting write-access. I can query the cluster status, but I am unable to perform any commands:
uid=1000(mdaf) gid=1000(mdaf) groups=1000(mdaf),10(wheel),189(haclient),801(mdaf),802(mdafkey),803(mdafmaintain)

pcs acl
ACLs are enabled

User: mdaf
  Roles: admin
User: mdafmaintain
  Roles: admin
Role: admin
  Permission: write xpath /cib (admin-write)

pcs cluster status
Cluster Status:
 Last updated: Mon Jun 13 11:46:45 2016        Last change: Mon Jun 13 11:46:38 2016 by root via cibadmin on MDA2PFP-S02
 Stack: corosync
 Current DC: MDA2PFP-S01 (version 1.1.13-10.el7-44eb2dd) - partition with quorum
 2 nodes and 9 resources configured
 Online: [ MDA2PFP-S01 MDA2PFP-S02 ]

PCSD Status:
  MDA2PFP-S01: Online
  MDA2PFP-S02: Online

pcs cluster stop
Error: localhost: Permission denied - (HTTP error: 403)

pcs cluster start
Error: localhost: Permission denied - (HTTP error: 403)

I tried to use sudo instead, but this also not working:
sudo pcs status
Permission denied
Error: unable to locate command: /usr/sbin/crm_mon

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,

Jens Auer | CGI | Software-Engineer
CGI (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG
Rheinstraße 95 | 64295 Darmstadt | Germany
T: +49 6151 36860 154
jens.auer at cgi.com<mailto:jens.auer at cgi.com>
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