[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker 1.1.15 - Release Candidate 4

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Fri Jun 10 21:29:44 UTC 2016

The latest release candidate for Pacemaker version 1.1.15 is now
available at:


With this release candidate, we now provide three sample alert scripts
to use with the new alerts feature, installed in the
/usr/share/pacemaker/alerts directory.

The ./configure script has a new "--with-configdir" option. Different
systems put start-up environment variables in various locations --
/etc/sysconfig, /etc/default, /etc/conf.d, and so on. We looked into
auto-detecting this, but it became clear that the user (or packager) is
in the best position to configure it. The default is /etc/sysconfig.

Bugfixes since 1.1.15-rc3 include multiple memory issues, important
fixes for ocf:pacemaker:controld, and improved compatibility with nodes
running version 1.1.11 or earlier during rolling upgrades.

Everyone is encouraged to download, compile and test the new release.
Your feedback is important and appreciated.

This is most likely very close to the final 1.1.15 release.
Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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