[ClusterLabs] CFP: linux.conf.au 2017 (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)

Tim Serong tserong at suse.com
Wed Jul 27 05:01:09 UTC 2016

Hi All,

Some of you will no doubt have already seen this, but for those who
haven't, the CFP for linux.conf.au 2017 (January 16-20 in Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia) is currently open:


This is one of the best F/OSS conferences in the world, and is being
held in one of the most beautiful places in the world (although I might
be slightly biased on the latter point, on account of living in Tasmania).

The CFP will remain open until August 5 (i.e. only ten more days!)
Please everyone go submit a talk, or at least plan to attend.  It's
going to be excellent :)


Tim Serong
Senior Clustering Engineer
tserong at suse.com

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