[ClusterLabs] Clusvcadm -Z substitute in Pacemaker

jaspal singla jaspal.singla at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 04:39:54 UTC 2016

Hello Everyone,

I need little help, if anyone can give some pointers, it would help me a

In RHEL-7.x:

There is concept of pacemaker and when I use the below command to freeze my
resource group operation, it actually stops all of the resources associated
under the resource group.

# pcs cluster standby <node>

# pcs cluster unstandby <node>

Result:  This actually stops all of the resource group in that node
(ctm_service is one of the resource group, which gets stop including
database as well, it goes to MOUNT mode)

However; through clusvcadm command on RHEL-6.x, it doesn't stop the
ctm_service there and my database is in RW mode.

# clusvcadm -Z ctm_service

# clusvcadm -U ctm_service

So my concern here is - Freezing/unfreezing should not affect the status of
the group. Is there any way around to achieve the same in RHEL-7.x as well,
that was done with clusvcadm on RHEL 6?


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