[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker issue when ethernet interface is pulled down

Debabrata Pani Debabrata.Pani at mobileum.com
Sun Feb 14 13:09:47 UTC 2016

We ran into some problems when we pull down the ethernet interface using “ifconfig eth0 down”

Our cluster has the following configurations and resources

  *   Two  network interfaces : eth0 and lo(cal)
  *   3 nodes with one node put in maintenance mode
  *   No-quorum-policy=stop
  *   Stonith-enabled=false
  *   Postgresql Master/Slave
  *   vip master and vip replication IPs
  *   VIPs will run on the node where Postgresql Master is running

Two test cases that we executed are as follows

  *   Introduce delay in the ethernet interface o f the postgresql PRIMARY node  (Command  : tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 8000ms)
  *   `Ifconfig eth0 down` on the postgresql PRIMARY Node
  *   We expected that both these test cases test for network problems in the cluster

In the first case (ethernet interface delay)

  *   Cluster is divided into “partition WITH quorum” and “partition WITHOUT quorum”
  *   Partition WITHOUT quorum shuts down all the services
  *   Partition WITH quorum takes over as Postgresql PRIMARY and VIPs
  *   Everything as expected. Wow !

In the second case (ethernet interface down)

  *   We see lots of errors like the following . On the node
     *   Feb 12 14:09:48 corosync [MAIN  ] Totem is unable to form a cluster because of an operating system or network fault. The most common cause of this message is that the local firewall is configured improperly.
     *   Feb 12 14:09:49 corosync [MAIN  ] Totem is unable to form a cluster because of an operating system or network fault. The most common cause of this message is that the local firewall is configured improperly.
     *   Feb 12 14:09:51 corosync [MAIN  ] Totem is unable to form a cluster because of an operating system or network fault. The most common cause of this message is that the local firewall is configured improperly.
  *   But the `crm_mon –Afr` (from the node whose eth0 is down)  always shows the cluster to be fully formed.
     *   It shows all the nodes as UP
     *   It shows itself as the one running the postgresql PRIMARY  (as was the case before putting the ethernet interface is down)
  *   `crm_mon -Afr` on the OTHER nodes show a different story
     *   They show the other node as down
     *   One of the other two nodes takes over the postgresql PRIMARY
  *   This leads to a split brain situation which was gracefully avoided in the test case where only “delay is introduced into the interface”

Questions :

  *    Is it a known issue with pacemaker when the ethernet interface is pulled down ?
  *   Is it an incorrect way of testing the cluster ? There is some information regarding the same in this thread http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linuxha/pacemaker/59738


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