[ClusterLabs] "After = syslog.service" it is not working?

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Fri Feb 5 22:31:36 UTC 2016

On 01/28/2016 10:27 PM, 飯田 雄介 wrote:
> Hi, Ken
> I have to get the log.
> shutdown the -r now ran to "03:00:22".
> rsyslog also "03:00:22" to receive a TERM appears to have stopped.
> Regards, Yusuke

Hello Yusuke,

I see in your logs that /var/log/messages does not have any messages at
all from pacemaker (not only at shutdown).

Meanwhile, pacemaker.log does have messages, including from shutdown.
The cluster writes directly to this file, without going through rsyslog.

Both logs end at 03:00:22. I'm guessing that systemd waited until
pacemaker exited, then stopped rsyslog. I don't think they're exiting at
the same time (or that rsyslog exited before pacemaker).

Instead, I suspect that either pacemaker is configured not to log via
syslog, or rsyslog is configured not to send pacemaker logs to

Check the value of PCMK_logfacility and PCMK_logpriority in your
/etc/sysconfig/pacemaker. By default, pacemaker will log via syslog, but
if these are explicitly set, they might be turning that off.

Also, pacemaker will try to inherit log options from corosync, so check
/etc/corosync/corosync.conf for logging options, especially to_syslog
and syslog_facility.

If that isn't an issue, then I would check /etc/rsyslog.conf and
/etc/rsyslog.d/* to see if they do anything nonstandard.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ken Gaillot [mailto:kgaillot at redhat.com]
>> Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 12:16 AM
>> To: users at clusterlabs.org
>> Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] "After = syslog.service" it is not working?
>> On 01/28/2016 12:48 AM, 飯田 雄介 wrote:
>>> Hi, All
>>> I am building a cluster in the following environments.
>>> RHEL7.2
>>> Pacemaker-1.1.14
>>> The OS while it is running the Pacemaker was allowed to shutdown.
>>> Logs at this time Pacemaker in the stop was not output to the syslog.
>>> This "After = syslog.service" does not work is set to start-up script, it
>> seems pacemaker and rsyslog is stopped at the same time.
>>> Because I think it's rsyslog.service In RHEL7, whether this setting should
>> not be the "After = rsyslog.service"?
>>> Regards, Yusuke
>> The "After = syslog.service" line neither helps nor hurts, and we should just
>> take it out.
>> For a long time (and certainly in RHEL 7's systemd version 219), systemd
>> automatically orders the system log to start before and stop after other services,
>> so I don't think that's the cause of your problem.
>> I'm not sure what would cause that behavior; can you post the messages that
>> are logged once shutdown is initiated?

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