[ClusterLabs] Cluster failure

Rodrick Brown rbrown at marketfactory.com
Tue Dec 20 07:21:12 CET 2016

I'm fairly new to Pacemaker and have a few questions about

The following log event and why resources was removed from my cluster
Right before the resources being killed SIGTERM I notice the following
Dec 18 19:18:18 clusternode38.mf stonith-ng[10739]:   notice: On loss of
CCM Quorum: Ignore

What exactly does this mean my resources recovered after a few minutes and
did not fail over any idea what's going on here?
or documentation I can read that explains what exactly happened?


*Rodrick Brown */
*Site Reliability Engineer *(917) 445 - 6839 /
*rbrown at marketfactory.com <rbrown at marketfactory.com>**425 Broadway #3, New
York, NY 10013*
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