[ClusterLabs] Q: Resource balancing opration

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Wed Apr 20 06:17:46 UTC 2016


I'm wondering: If you boot a node on a cluster, most resources will go to another node (if possible). Due to stickiness configured, those resources will stay there.
So I'm wondering whether or how I could cause a rebalance of resources on the cluster. I must admit that I don't understand the details of stickiness related to other parameters. In my understanding stickiness should be related to a percentage of utilization dynamically, so that a resource running on a node that is "almost full" should dynamically lower its stickiness to allow resource migration.

So if you are going to implement a manual resource rebalance operation, could you dynamically lower the stickiness for each resource (by some amount or some factor), wait if something happens, and then repeat the process until resources look balanced. "Looking balanced" should be no worse as if all resources are started when all cluster nodes are up.

Spontaneous pros and cons for "resource rebalancing"?


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