[ClusterLabs] service flap as nodes join and leave

Christopher Harvey cwh at eml.cc
Wed Apr 13 16:23:44 UTC 2016

I have a 3 node cluster (see the bottom of this email for 'pcs config'
output) with 3 nodes. The MsgBB-Active and AD-Active service both flap
whenever a node joins or leaves the cluster. I trigger the leave and
join with a pacemaker service start and stop on any node.

Here is the happy steady state setup:

3 nodes and 4 resources configured

Online: [ vmr-132-3 vmr-132-4 vmr-132-5 ]

 Clone Set: Router-clone [Router]
     Started: [ vmr-132-3 vmr-132-4 ]
MsgBB-Active    (ocf::solace:MsgBB-Active):     Started vmr-132-3
AD-Active       (ocf::solace:AD-Active):        Started vmr-132-3

[root at vmr-132-4 ~]# supervisorctl stop pacemaker
no change, except vmr-132-4 goes offline
[root at vmr-132-4 ~]# supervisorctl start pacemaker
vmr-132-4 comes back online
MsgBB-Active and AD-Active flap very quickly (<1s)
Steady state is resumed.

Why should the fact that vmr-132-4 coming and going affect the service
on any other node?


Cluster Name:
Corosync Nodes:
Pacemaker Nodes:
 vmr-132-3 vmr-132-4 vmr-132-5

 Clone: Router-clone
  Meta Attrs: clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1
  Resource: Router (class=ocf provider=solace type=Router)
   Meta Attrs: migration-threshold=1 failure-timeout=1s
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=2 (Router-start-timeout-2)
               stop interval=0s timeout=2 (Router-stop-timeout-2)
               monitor interval=1s (Router-monitor-interval-1s)
 Resource: MsgBB-Active (class=ocf provider=solace type=MsgBB-Active)
  Meta Attrs: migration-threshold=2 failure-timeout=1s
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=2 (MsgBB-Active-start-timeout-2)
              stop interval=0s timeout=2 (MsgBB-Active-stop-timeout-2)
              monitor interval=1s (MsgBB-Active-monitor-interval-1s)
 Resource: AD-Active (class=ocf provider=solace type=AD-Active)
  Meta Attrs: migration-threshold=2 failure-timeout=1s
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=2 (AD-Active-start-timeout-2)
              stop interval=0s timeout=2 (AD-Active-stop-timeout-2)
              monitor interval=1s (AD-Active-monitor-interval-1s)

Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:

Location Constraints:
  Resource: AD-Active
    Disabled on: vmr-132-5 (score:-INFINITY) (id:ADNotOnMonitor)
  Resource: MsgBB-Active
    Enabled on: vmr-132-4 (score:100) (id:vmr-132-4Priority)
    Enabled on: vmr-132-3 (score:250) (id:vmr-132-3Priority)
    Disabled on: vmr-132-5 (score:-INFINITY) (id:MsgBBNotOnMonitor)
  Resource: Router-clone
    Disabled on: vmr-132-5 (score:-INFINITY) (id:RouterNotOnMonitor)
Ordering Constraints:
  Resource Sets:
    set Router-clone MsgBB-Active sequential=true
    (id:pcs_rsc_set_Router-clone_MsgBB-Active) setoptions kind=Mandatory
    set MsgBB-Active AD-Active sequential=true
    (id:pcs_rsc_set_MsgBB-Active_AD-Active) setoptions kind=Mandatory
Colocation Constraints:
  MsgBB-Active with Router-clone (score:INFINITY)
  AD-Active with MsgBB-Active (score:1000)

Resources Defaults:
 No defaults set
Operations Defaults:
 No defaults set

Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-recheck-interval: 1s
 dc-version: 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2-44eb2dd
 have-watchdog: false
 maintenance-mode: false
 start-failure-is-fatal: false
 stonith-enabled: false

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