[ClusterLabs] Permission issue lrmd

Andrey Rogovsky a.rogovsky at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 09:23:08 UTC 2016

I try use PAF resource agent and catch strange problem:
Apr 07 11:37:35 [1681] a.server       lrmd:    debug: operation_finished:
  pgsqld_start_0:1827:stdout [ waiting for server to start....2016-04-07
11:37:30 MSK FATAL:  could not access private key file
"/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key": Permission denied ]
But users postgres and hacluster able to read this file
More details: https://github.com/dalibo/PAF/issues/11

Used software:

root at a:/usr/lib/ocf/lib/heartbeat# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.1 (jessie)
Release: 8.1
Codename: jessie
root at a:/usr/lib/ocf/lib/heartbeat# dpkg -l | grep pacemaker
ii  crmsh                          2.1.2-1ubuntu1                all
   CRM shell for the pacemaker cluster manager
ii  pacemaker                      1.1.12+git+a9c8177-3ubuntu1.1 amd64
   HA cluster resource manager
ii  pacemaker-cli-utils            1.1.12+git+a9c8177-3ubuntu1.1 amd64
   Command line interface utilities for Pacemaker
ii  pacemaker-remote               1.1.12+git+a9c8177-3ubuntu1.1 amd64
   Pacemaker add-on to control virtualized services

How I can fix this problem?
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