[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker/pcs & DRBD not demoting secondary node to Slave (always Stopped)

Jason Gress jgress at accertify.com
Thu Sep 17 23:02:48 UTC 2015

I have a simple DRBD + filesystem + NFS configuration that works properly when I manually start/stop DRBD, but will not start the DRBD slave resource properly on failover or recovery.  I cannot ever get the Master/Slave set to say anything but 'Stopped'.  I am running CentOS 7.1 with the latest packages as of today:

[root at fx201-1a log]# rpm -qa | grep -e pcs -e pacemaker -e drbd

Here is my pcs config output:

[root at fx201-1a log]# pcs config
Cluster Name: fx201-vmcl
Corosync Nodes:
 fx201-1a.ams fx201-1b.ams
Pacemaker Nodes:
 fx201-1a.ams fx201-1b.ams

 Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
  Attributes: ip=10.XX.XX.XX cidr_netmask=24
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-timeout-20s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-timeout-20s)
              monitor interval=15s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-15s)
 Master: ms_drbd_vmfs
  Meta Attrs: master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
  Resource: drbd_vmfs (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd)
   Attributes: drbd_resource=vmfs
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=240 (drbd_vmfs-start-timeout-240)
               promote interval=0s timeout=90 (drbd_vmfs-promote-timeout-90)
               demote interval=0s timeout=90 (drbd_vmfs-demote-timeout-90)
               stop interval=0s timeout=100 (drbd_vmfs-stop-timeout-100)
               monitor interval=30s (drbd_vmfs-monitor-interval-30s)
 Resource: vmfsFS (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
  Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/exports/vmfs fstype=xfs
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (vmfsFS-start-timeout-60)
              stop interval=0s timeout=60 (vmfsFS-stop-timeout-60)
              monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (vmfsFS-monitor-interval-20)
 Resource: nfs-server (class=systemd type=nfs-server)
  Operations: monitor interval=60s (nfs-server-monitor-interval-60s)

Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:

Location Constraints:
Ordering Constraints:
  promote ms_drbd_vmfs then start vmfsFS (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-ms_drbd_vmfs-vmfsFS-mandatory)
  start vmfsFS then start nfs-server (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-vmfsFS-nfs-server-mandatory)
  start ClusterIP then start nfs-server (kind:Mandatory) (id:order-ClusterIP-nfs-server-mandatory)
Colocation Constraints:
  ms_drbd_vmfs with ClusterIP (score:INFINITY) (id:colocation-ms_drbd_vmfs-ClusterIP-INFINITY)
  vmfsFS with ms_drbd_vmfs (score:INFINITY) (with-rsc-role:Master) (id:colocation-vmfsFS-ms_drbd_vmfs-INFINITY)
  nfs-server with vmfsFS (score:INFINITY) (id:colocation-nfs-server-vmfsFS-INFINITY)

Cluster Properties:
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: fx201-vmcl
 dc-version: 1.1.13-a14efad
 have-watchdog: false
 last-lrm-refresh: 1442528181
 stonith-enabled: false

And status:

[root at fx201-1a log]# pcs status --full
Cluster name: fx201-vmcl
Last updated: Thu Sep 17 17:55:56 2015 Last change: Thu Sep 17 17:18:10 2015 by root via crm_attribute on fx201-1b.ams
Stack: corosync
Current DC: fx201-1b.ams (2) (version 1.1.13-a14efad) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 5 resources configured

Online: [ fx201-1a.ams (1) fx201-1b.ams (2) ]

Full list of resources:

 ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started fx201-1a.ams
 Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_vmfs [drbd_vmfs]
     drbd_vmfs (ocf::linbit:drbd): Master fx201-1a.ams
     drbd_vmfs (ocf::linbit:drbd): Stopped
     Masters: [ fx201-1a.ams ]
     Stopped: [ fx201-1b.ams ]
 vmfsFS (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started fx201-1a.ams
 nfs-server (systemd:nfs-server): Started fx201-1a.ams

PCSD Status:
  fx201-1a.ams: Online
  fx201-1b.ams: Online

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled

If I do a failover, after manually confirming that the DRBD data is synchronized completely, it does work, but then never reconnects the secondary side, and in order to get the resource synchronized again, I have to manually correct it, ad infinitum.  I have tried standby/unstandby, pcs resource debug-start (with undesirable results), and so on.

Here are some relevant log messages from pacemaker.log:

Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:     info: crm_timer_popped: PEngine Recheck Timer (I_PE_CALC) just popped (900000ms)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:   notice: do_state_transition: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_TIMER_POPPED origin=crm_timer_popped ]
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:     info: do_state_transition: Progressed to state S_POLICY_ENGINE after C_TIMER_POPPED
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: process_pe_message: Input has not changed since last time, not saving to disk
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: determine_online_status: Node fx201-1b.ams is online
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: determine_online_status: Node fx201-1a.ams is online
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: determine_op_status: Operation monitor found resource drbd_vmfs:0 active in master mode on fx201-1b.ams
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: determine_op_status: Operation monitor found resource drbd_vmfs:0 active on fx201-1a.ams
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: native_print: ClusterIP (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started fx201-1a.ams
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: clone_print: Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_vmfs [drbd_vmfs]
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: short_print:     Masters: [ fx201-1a.ams ]
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: short_print:     Stopped: [ fx201-1b.ams ]
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: native_print: vmfsFS (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started fx201-1a.ams
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: native_print: nfs-server (systemd:nfs-server): Started fx201-1a.ams
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: native_color: Resource drbd_vmfs:1 cannot run anywhere
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: master_color: Promoting drbd_vmfs:0 (Master fx201-1a.ams)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: master_color: ms_drbd_vmfs: Promoted 1 instances of a possible 1 to master
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: LogActions: Leave   ClusterIP (Started fx201-1a.ams)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: LogActions: Leave   drbd_vmfs:0 (Master fx201-1a.ams)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: LogActions: Leave   drbd_vmfs:1 (Stopped)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: LogActions: Leave   vmfsFS (Started fx201-1a.ams)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:     info: LogActions: Leave   nfs-server (Started fx201-1a.ams)
Sep 17 17:48:10 [5662] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net    pengine:   notice: process_pe_message: Calculated Transition 16: /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-61.bz2
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:     info: do_state_transition: State transition S_POLICY_ENGINE -> S_TRANSITION_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_SUCCESS cause=C_IPC_MESSAGE origin=handle_response ]
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:     info: do_te_invoke: Processing graph 16 (ref=pe_calc-dc-1442530090-97) derived from /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-61.bz2
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:   notice: run_graph: Transition 16 (Complete=0, Pending=0, Fired=0, Skipped=0, Incomplete=0, Source=/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-61.bz2): Complete
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:     info: do_log: FSA: Input I_TE_SUCCESS from notify_crmd() received in state S_TRANSITION_ENGINE
Sep 17 17:48:10 [13954] fx201-1b.ams.accertify.net       crmd:   notice: do_state_transition: State transition S_TRANSITION_ENGINE -> S_IDLE [ input=I_TE_SUCCESS cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=notify_crmd ]

Thank you all for your help,


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