[ClusterLabs] Timeout before fencing/stonith happens

Nicolas S. lists at tropicdreams.net
Wed Sep 2 06:14:50 UTC 2015


I write this mailing-list because I'm having a little trouble with my cluster.

I'm running a 3 node centos 7 cluster. Resource/stonith and all is configured.
Since a couple of days my backups take a little bit more time and one node is getting high load. At a certain point it's fenced by the other nodes.
Of course I'm thinking of correcting that backup issue but for the moment it's not done.

I tried to find in the docs a general property to make the nodes to wait a little bit more before fencing the node, but i didn't really found it (or I misread docs). It seems that the stonith-timeout isn't the solutiion.

Is there a best practice or such property ?

Thanks to all.


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