[ClusterLabs] Cluster node loss detection.

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Wed Oct 21 10:51:10 UTC 2015

On 16/10/15 12:51 -0400, Digimer wrote:
> On 16/10/15 12:37 PM, Vallevand, Mark K wrote:
>> So, it looks like setting the corosync parameters in cluster.conf
>> has some effect.  Cman seems to pass them to corosync.
> Yes, never configure corosync directly when using cman, only use
> cluster.conf, as you did.

Yep, this is the reason ccs2pcs* conversions in clufter never ask
for input corosync.conf (nor pcs2pcscmd-flatiron do).  It's use is
inhibited when corosync is under cman's governance.

Jan (Poki)
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