[ClusterLabs] Corosync+Pacemaker error during failover

priyanka priyanka at cse.iitb.ac.in
Thu Oct 8 15:16:45 UTC 2015


We are trying to build a HA setup for our servers using DRBD + Corosync 
+ pacemaker stack.

Attached is the configuration file for corosync/pacemaker and drbd.

We are getting errors while testing this setup.
1. When we stop corosync on Master machine say server1(lock), it is 
Stonith'ed. In this case slave-server2(sher) is promoted to master.
    But when server1(lock) reboots res_exportfs_export1 is started on 
both the servers and that resource goes into failed state followed by 
servers going into unclean state.
    Then server1(lock) reboots and server2(sher) is master but in 
unclean state. After server1(lock) comes up, server2(sher) is stonith'ed 
and server1(lock) is slave(the only online node).
    When server2(sher) comes up, both the servers are slaves and 
resource group(rg_export) is stopped. Then server2(sher) becomes Master 
and server1(lock) is slave and resource group is started.
    At this point configuration becomes stable.

PFA logs(syslog) of server2(sher) after it is promoted to master till 
it is first rebooted when resource exportfs goes into failed state.

Please let us know if the configuration is appropriate. From the logs 
we could not figure out exact reason of resource failure.
Your comment on this scenario will be very helpful.


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