[ClusterLabs] group resources not grouped ?!?

zulucloud zulucloud at mailbox.org
Wed Oct 7 14:12:30 UTC 2015

i got a problem i don't understand, maybe someone can give me a hint.

My 2-node cluster (named ali and baba) is configured to run mysql, an IP 
for mysql and the filesystem resource (on drbd master) together as a 
GROUP. After doing some crash-tests i ended up having filesystem and 
mysql running happily on one host (ali), and the related IP on the other 
(baba) .... although, the IP's not really up and running, crm_mon just 
SHOWS it as started there. In fact it's nowhere up, neither on ali nor 
on baba.

crm_mon shows that pacemaker tried to start it on baba, but gave up 
after fail-count=1000000.

Q1: why doesn't pacemaker put the IP on ali, where all the rest of it's 
group lives?
Q2: why doesn't pacemaker try to start the IP on ali, after max 
failcount had been reached on baba?
Q3: why is crm_mon showing the IP as "started", when it's down after 
100000 tries?

Thanks :)

config (some parts removed):
node ali
node baba

primitive res_drbd ocf:linbit:drbd \
	params drbd_resource="r0" \
	op stop interval="0" timeout="100" \
	op start interval="0" timeout="240" \
	op promote interval="0" timeout="90" \
	op demote interval="0" timeout="90" \
	op notify interval="0" timeout="90" \
	op monitor interval="40" role="Slave" timeout="20" \
	op monitor interval="20" role="Master" timeout="20"
primitive res_fs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
	params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/drbd_mnt" fstype="ext4" \
	op monitor interval="30s"
primitive res_hamysql_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
	params ip="XXX.XXX.XXX.224" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="23" \
	op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s" depth="0"
primitive res_mysql lsb:mysql \
	op start interval="0" timeout="15" \
	op stop interval="0" timeout="15" \
	op monitor start-delay="30" interval="15" time-out="15"

group gr_mysqlgroup res_fs res_mysql res_hamysql_ip \
	meta target-role="Started"
ms ms_drbd res_drbd \
	meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" 
clone-node-max="1" notify="true"

colocation col_fs_on_drbd_master inf: res_fs:Started ms_drbd:Master

order ord_drbd_master_then_fs inf: ms_drbd:promote res_fs:start

property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
	dc-version="1.0.9-74392a28b7f31d7ddc86689598bd23114f58978b" \
	cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
	stonith-enabled="false" \
	no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
	expected-quorum-votes="2" \

crm_mon -rnf (some parts removed):
Node ali: online
         res_fs  (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem) Started
         res_mysql       (lsb:mysql) Started
         res_drbd:0      (ocf::linbit:drbd) Master
Node baba: online
         res_hamysql_ip  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started
         res_drbd:1      (ocf::linbit:drbd) Slave

Inactive resources:

Migration summary:

* Node baba:
    res_hamysql_ip: migration-threshold=1000000 fail-count=1000000

Failed actions:
     res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 (node=a891vl107s, call=35, rc=1, 
status=complete): unknown error

pengine: [1223]: WARN: should_dump_input: Ignoring requirement that 
res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 comeplete before gr_mysqlgroup_stopped_0: 
unmanaged failed resources cannot prevent shutdown

pengine: [1223]: WARN: should_dump_input: Ignoring requirement that 
res_hamysql_ip_stop_0 comeplete before gr_mysqlgroup_stopped_0: 
unmanaged failed resources cannot prevent shutdown

corosync 1.2.1-4
drbd8-utils 2:8.3.7-2.1
(for some reason it's not possible to update at this time)

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