[ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: Unexpected behaviour of PEngine Recheck Timer while in maintenance mode

Rolf Weber Rolf.Weber at asamnet.de
Mon May 4 18:03:01 UTC 2015

On 08:30 Wed 29 Apr     , Ulrich Windl wrote:
> >>> Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com> schrieb am 28.04.2015 um 22:06 in Nachricht
> <553FE858.1010905 at redhat.com>:
> > FYI due to dependency issues, pacemaker was dropped entirely from Debian
> > "jessie". (See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768618)
> If you are not married with Debian, you might try "SLES for SAP Applications" even if you have nothing to do with "SAP Applications", simply because it bundles the cluster stuff with the basic SLES. Being able to get updates for 60 days, you could give it a try. Historically I'm only working with SLES, so I just know this works most of the time ;-)

no, i'm not married to debian, nor am i forced to use it. however, debian
is the distri i'm most familiar with and about which i know the most.

> > A group of Debian volunteers intends to package newer versions of libqb,
> > corosync and pacemaker for Debian "unstable", then make those available
> > in jessie-backports. However there's no telling how long that might take.

oldstable support runs out in about 2 years or so, there's plenty of time
i guess (support for the h/w runs out before that).

> While you are waiting you could try something else ;-)

i could and will. need to find some (old) h/w for test setups first.
i don't want to play around too much with this setup. the filesystems
provided by it are kind of important and cause trouble (and a lot of work)
if they go missing... else there'd be no need for a ha setup.  

rolf weber

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