[ClusterLabs] Avoid resources to start in parallel

Jose Manuel Martínez jose.martinez at fcsc.es
Thu Mar 19 10:20:45 UTC 2015

Hello everybody.

Trying to resolve many problems with Lustre and corosync/pacemaker, I 
would like to know if is there any way to delay the start of a resource 
for a random number of seconds.

My resources are "filesystems" and if many of then are started at the 
same time at the same node, Lustre randomly fails. At this moment I'm 
trying to work-around it using "Ordering Constraints" in order to 
serialize the resources start order, but this is only a patch. Is there 
any other way to avoid resources to start at the same time?.



*Jose Manuel Martínez García / Tel. 987 293 174 *

*Coordinador de Sistemas*

Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León

Edificio CRAI-TIC, Campus de Vegazana, s/n

Universidad de León

24071 León, España


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