[ClusterLabs] Order/Colocation Dependancy On Cloned Resource

Thomas Meagher thomas.meagher at hds.com
Mon Mar 16 17:49:11 UTC 2015

Hello, I am having some issues ordering a resource that depends on a clone.  Specifically, I have a two node cluster with two virtual IPs.  Each vip has a slight preference for its own "home" node via a location constraint, and they have mandatory colocation and order constraints on a cloned (anonymous) webserver.  Problem I am seeing is when a node comes back after being down (let's say node2 goes down).  Both vips fail over to node1 (still up), but when node2 comes back the vip is moved back immediately.  This results in vip2 being unavailable until the webserver actually comes back up on node2.

* node2 goes down.
* vip2 moves to node1
* node2 comes back up
* everything starts/moves IMMEDIATELY to node2 (same transition)
    * cloned tomcat webserver starting up
    * vip2 is stopped on node1
* webserver becomes started on node2
* vip2 finally becomes available again on node2

The vip resources have colocation and ordering constraints on the cloned webserver, so I am confused why they are immediately moved when the node comes back online, instead of waiting to move them until the webserver resource finishes starting on node2.  Does ordering on a cloned resource only take into account that the resource is started "somewhere"? Should my webserver clone to be globally unique?  Is there a different way to enforce what I am trying to achieve here?  I want to make sure the cloned resource is started on the target node before dependant resources are started/moved there.

Relevant Config (crm format):

clone tomcat-clone tomcat-group
location loc-vip1 vip1 rule 100: nodeNumber eq 1
location loc-vip2 vip2 rule 100: nodeNumber eq 2
order order-vip1 inf: tomcat-clone vip1
order order-vip2 inf: tomcat-clone vip2
colocation colo-vip1 inf: vip1 tomcat-clone
colocation colo-vip2 inf: vip2 tomcat-clone

Relevant Logs:

Mar 16 17:27:24 localhost corosync[3198]: [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 2
Mar 16 17:27:24 localhost corosync[3198]: [QUORUM] Members[2]: 1 2
Mar 16 17:27:24 localhost corosync[3198]: [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Mar 16 17:27:24 localhost pacemakerd[3241]: notice: crm_update_peer_state: pcmk_quorum_notification: Node module-2[2] - state is now member (was lost)

Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Move  vip1       (Started module-1 -> module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   postgres:1 (module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   ethmonitor:1       (module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   fsmonitor:1        (module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   tomcat-instance:1  (module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:31 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   ClusterMonitor:1   (module-2)
Mar 16 17:27:33 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: process_pe_message: Calculated Transition 26: /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine/pe-input-66.bz2

Mar 16 17:27:33 localhost crmd[3269]: notice: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 41: stop vip1_stop_0 on module-1 (local)
Mar 16 17:27:33 localhost crmd[3269]: notice: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 117: notify postgres_pre_notify_start_0 on module-1 (local)
Mar 16 17:27:33 localhost crmd[3269]: notice: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 80: start ethmonitor_start_0 on module-2
Mar 16 17:27:33 localhost crmd[3269]: notice: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 102: start tomcat-instance_start_0 on module-2

Mar 16 17:28:23 localhost pengine[3268]: notice: LogActions: Start   vip1       (module-2)

Mar 16 17:29:55 localhost crmd[3269]: notice: te_rsc_command: Initiating action 39: start vip1_start_0 on module-2

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