[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr on different subnets

Rowan @ Jetboy rowan at jetboy.co.uk
Wed Jun 24 12:48:59 UTC 2015

Apologies. That should have read:

So now, I have all three IPs and both VM interfaces sharing the same MAC address, using:

|sudo crm configure primitive eth0_virtual ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr params ip="200.zzz.z.162" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="32" broadcast="200.zzz.z.162" op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"|

This strikes me as a *really bad idea*, but, it actually seems to be working, without creating any packet errors or problems with connectivity or the HA cluster... other than martian packets being reported.

@Andrew: Despite online.net's terminology, 200.xx.xxx.9 and 200.xx.xxx.10 are being used as static IPs that aren't managed by the cluster. I'm only moving 200.zzz.z.162 around. I think sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1 is only recommended if static IPs can't be assigned to interfaces.

On 24/06/2015 07:42, GRAY Andrew G (SPARQ) wrote:
> Buried in the IPaddr2 script, it says you need ...
> sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1 # (or per device)
> if you want to run IPaddr2 virtual IP's on more than one interface.
> Also since it uses existing network spec's to work out mask/gw for the VIP, make sure you have valid V4 primary addresses that are different from the vip address. Give that a try. Add the all the vip addresses into a constraint group so they move together.
> Regards,
> Andrew Gray.
> RHCSA, Professional Unix Administration.
> Ph: (07) 3664 5112
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rowan @ Jetboy [mailto:rowan at jetboy.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2015 4:18 AM
> To: users at clusterlabs.org
> Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] Pacemaker ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr on different subnets
> "It looks like you have a networking issue rather than a clustering issue."
> That's proven to be the case. I'm hosting ESXi with online.net, who provide additional 'failover' IPs that can be assigned to my hosted VMs.
> I have three; 200.xx.xxx.9 and 200.xx.xxx.10 which I'm using for the two Ubuntu VMs listed, and the third, 200.zzz.z.162, which I'm trying to use as an ocf_heartbeat_IPaddr resource agent. Critically, online.net require that you match assign each IP a MAC address that matches an interface on a VM. I did this for the first two IPs (using different MAC
> addresses) but not for the third. When I tried using one of the existing MAC addresses with the third IP, I immediately got connectivity.
> So now, I have all three IPs and both VM interfaces sharing the same MAC address. This strikes me as a *really bad idea*, but, it actually seems to be working, without creating any packet errors or problems with connectivity or the HA cluster... at least none that I've spotted so far.
> On 22/06/2015 14:56, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> On 06/20/2015 01:59 AM, Rowan @ Jetboy wrote:
>>> [Ubuntu 14 LTS on VMware ESXi 6; Corosync; Pacemaker 1.1.10]
>>> I'm trying to add a Pacemaker virtual IP address; with it, the
>>> gateway, and the two VMs it serves on different subnets. I've only
>>> done this before with all IPs on the same subnet, and I need some help.
>>> I have two VMs on 200.xx.xxx.9 and 200.xx.xxx.10 with the below in
>>> `/etc/network/interfaces`
>>>       auto eth0
>>>       iface eth0 inet static
>>>           address 200.xx.xxx.9
>>>           gateway 200.xx.xxx.9
>>>           netmask
>>>           post-up route add yy.yyy.yyy.1 dev eth0
>>>           post-up route add default gw yy.yyy.yyy.1
>> It looks like you have a networking issue rather than a clustering
>> issue. I'm not sure what the requirements/goals are for having the
>> different subnets, but the default gateway should be on a directly
>> connected IP network (not over a route), and the gateway itself must
>> know where to route each IP network.
>> Are all these subnets on the same (physical or VLAN) Ethernet network?
>> Or are there multiple interfaces involved?
>>> and
>>>       auto eth0
>>>       iface eth0 inet static
>>>           address 200.xx.xxx.10
>>>           gateway 200.xx.xxx.10
>>>           netmask
>>>           post-up route add yy.yyy.yyy.1 dev eth0
>>>           post-up route add default gw yy.yyy.yyy.1
>>> They're both showing up in Pacemaker, and seemingly communicating OK.
>>> The bindnetaddr parameters in the two `/etc/corosync/corosync.conf`
>>> files are:
>>>       bindnetaddr: address 200.xx.xxx.9
>>> and
>>>       bindnetaddr: address 200.xx.xxx.10
>>> respectively.
>>> If everything was on the same subnet, I'd expect to add the virtual
>>> IP with something like:
>>>       sudo crm configure primitive eth0_virtual ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr
>>> params ip="200.zzz.z.162" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="24"
>>> broadcast="200.zzz.z.255" op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"
>>> and while this shows up as resource in crm_mon, it isn't allowing me
>>> to access one of the VMs via the virtual IP. Clearly there's more to
>>> it, but what?
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