[ClusterLabs] Start at boot time Corosync 2.X + Pacemaker 1.1 cluster (Debian Wheezy)

Danilo Malcangio d.malcangio at eletech.it
Mon Jun 8 08:36:14 UTC 2015

Thanks Kristoffer for answering
> The corosync and pacemaker services are just regular services, and are
> configured to start at boot just like any other service in sysvinit. That said, if
> you have a two node cluster, starting the services at boot might not be
> what you want since you can easily end up with a deathmatch
> configuration.
I noticed that corosync and pacemaker are regular services, in fact if I 
start them from shell //etc/init.d/corosync start/ 
//etc/init.d/pacemaker start/ they both seem to work.

You say that having them at boot is not a good configuration (possible 
deathmatch), but how can I ensure the cluster stays always up if I don't 
have that? What is the best practice?

In my previous cluster configuration I used the Debian Wheezy apt-get 
binaries (corosync v1.4.2 and pacemaker v1.1.7) and all I had to do was 
setting a START variale to yes in /etc/default/corosync on both nodes.
(as described here 

> If adding them to runlevels doesn't work, there's a bug of some sort.
I thought there was a bug in the init.d scripts, but I cannot find any 
so far.
I was looking for someone who had done this on Debian, because I am 
starting to think maybe I am picking the wrong runlevels, should I 
change defaults to specific runlevels?

update-rc.d corosync defaults
update-rc.d pacemaker defaults

> There's a basic guide here: http://crmsh.github.io/start-guide/
While googling I also found the guide you mentioned, but all I could 
find are commands to configure corosync, configure pacemaker start and 
stop the cluster.
No way to make crmsh a daemon that starts the cluster at boot (if this 
is the right thing to do to obtain a cluster on even after a temporary 
node failure like an AC power failure)
> I'm working on a crmsh version of the official documentation, but it's
> not online yet unfortunately.

That would be great! Do you think you'll be able to share the crmsh 
version of documentation soon?
> The crmsh commands simply call
> "service corosync start; service pacemaker start"
> and
> "service pacemaker stop; service corosync stop"
That is what I thought and what I found evince of while I was googling 
online, corosync and pacemaker must be started in an order and stopped 
in the opposite one, I was planning to do that on Debian by renaming the 
symlinks in rc.d but I haven't got to that point because update-rc.d 
doesn't create any symlinks for corosync and pacemaker when I issue the 
two commands I wrote before. That's why I am wondering about specifying 
different runlevels.

> To be honest this has only been tested on SUSE distros by me. I'd be
> happy for patches to make this work properly on Debian. :)
Anyway I could help, I'd be glad to make the latest stable cluster stack 
(corosync + pacemaker) work on Debian with compiled sources.
I thought mine was a common problem because there was this compiling 
guide on the official website 
(http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/Compiling_on_Debian) so I thought more 
people used this OS for clustering, and some already encountered my problem.

Thanks again


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