[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr on different subnets

Rowan @ Jetboy rowan at jetboy.co.uk
Sat Jun 20 06:59:35 UTC 2015

[Ubuntu 14 LTS on VMware ESXi 6; Corosync; Pacemaker 1.1.10]

I'm trying to add a Pacemaker virtual IP address; with it, the gateway, 
and the two VMs it serves on different subnets. I've only done this 
before with all IPs on the same subnet, and I need some help.

I have two VMs on 200.xx.xxx.9 and 200.xx.xxx.10 with the below in 

     auto eth0
     iface eth0 inet static
         address 200.xx.xxx.9
         gateway 200.xx.xxx.9

         post-up route add yy.yyy.yyy.1 dev eth0
         post-up route add default gw yy.yyy.yyy.1


     auto eth0
     iface eth0 inet static
         address 200.xx.xxx.10
         gateway 200.xx.xxx.10

         post-up route add yy.yyy.yyy.1 dev eth0
         post-up route add default gw yy.yyy.yyy.1

They're both showing up in Pacemaker, and seemingly communicating OK. 
The bindnetaddr parameters in the two `/etc/corosync/corosync.conf` 
files are:

     bindnetaddr: address 200.xx.xxx.9


     bindnetaddr: address 200.xx.xxx.10


If everything was on the same subnet, I'd expect to add the virtual IP 
with something like:

     sudo crm configure primitive eth0_virtual ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr 
params ip="200.zzz.z.162" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="24" 
broadcast="200.zzz.z.255" op monitor interval="10s" timeout="20s"

and while this shows up as resource in crm_mon, it isn't allowing me to 
access one of the VMs via the virtual IP. Clearly there's more to it, 
but what?

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