[ClusterLabs] MS Promotion Not Working

Brian D. Lees brian at fides.me.uk
Wed Jun 3 22:24:18 UTC 2015



Sorry to post with such a simple configuration but having trawled through
endless 'howtos' etc I am still at a loss.  I have stripped the
configuration down to the basics:  the issue is that I cannot get a simple
master/slave DRBD resource to promote to master.


I have set up the DRBD master/slave and it works perfectly. I can promote
and demote manually but when I try to configure a RA to put it under cluster
control the master gets demoted to slave and nothing else happens!  I have
tried configuration manually, using LCMC and Hawk.


The configuration is as follows:


node 1084751972: ACL001 \

        attributes standby=off

node 1084752072: ACL002 \

        attributes standby=off

primitive res_Filesystem_shared_fs Filesystem \

        params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/acl_shared/1"
directory="/mnt/aclcluster" fstype=ext4 \

        operations $id=res_Filesystem_shared_fs-operations \

        op start interval=0 timeout=60 \

        op stop interval=0 timeout=60 \

        op monitor interval=20 timeout=40 start-delay=0 \

        op notify interval=0 timeout=60 \

        meta allow-migrate=true failure-timeout=60

primitive res_drbd_1 ocf:linbit:drbd \

        params drbd_resource=acl_shared \

        operations $id=res_drbd_1-operations \

        op start interval=0 timeout=240 \

        op promote interval=0 timeout=90 \

        op demote interval=0 timeout=90 \

        op stop interval=0 timeout=100 \

        op monitor interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=0 \

        op notify interval=0 timeout=90 \


ms ms_drbd_1 res_drbd_1 \

        meta clone-max=2 notify=true interleave=true target-role=master

colocation col_res_Filesystem_shared_fs_ms_drbd_1 inf:
res_Filesystem_shared_fs ms_drbd_1:Master

order ord_ms_drbd_1_res_Filesystem_shared_fs inf: ms_drbd_1:promote

property cib-bootstrap-options: \

        stonith-enabled=false \

        no-quorum-policy=ignore \

        dc-version=1.1.12-1.1.12.git20140904.266d5c2 \


rsc_defaults rsc-options: \

        target-role=started \



The scores which this produces are these:


Current cluster status:

Online: [ ACL001 ACL002 ]


Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_1 [res_drbd_1]

     Slaves: [ ACL001 ACL002 ]

res_Filesystem_shared_fs       (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Stopped


Allocation scores:

clone_color: ms_drbd_1 allocation score on ACL001: 0

clone_color: ms_drbd_1 allocation score on ACL002: 0

clone_color: res_drbd_1:0 allocation score on ACL001: 100

clone_color: res_drbd_1:0 allocation score on ACL002: 0

clone_color: res_drbd_1:1 allocation score on ACL001: 0

clone_color: res_drbd_1:1 allocation score on ACL002: 100

native_color: res_drbd_1:0 allocation score on ACL001: 100

native_color: res_drbd_1:0 allocation score on ACL002: 0

native_color: res_drbd_1:1 allocation score on ACL001: -INFINITY

native_color: res_drbd_1:1 allocation score on ACL002: 100

res_drbd_1:0 promotion score on ACL001: -1

res_drbd_1:1 promotion score on ACL002: -1

native_color: res_Filesystem_shared_fs allocation score on ACL001: -INFINITY

native_color: res_Filesystem_shared_fs allocation score on ACL002: -INFINITY


I do not understand why the promotion scores never change whatever the
allocation scores (how are they calculated please?) nor why the drbd never
promotes to Master.


Thanks for any assistance;  I'm sure it's a simple mistake on my part!

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