[ClusterLabs] [Problem] The SNMP trap which has been already started is transmitted.

renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp
Mon Jul 27 06:18:58 UTC 2015

Hi All,

The transmission of the SNMP trap of crm_mon seems to have a problem.
I identified a problem on latest Pacemaker and Pacemaker1.1.13.

Step 1) I constitute a cluster and send simple CLI file.

[root at snmp1 ~]# crm_mon -1 
Last updated: Mon Jul 27 14:40:37 2015          Last change: Mon Jul 27 14:40:29 2015 by root via cibadmin on snmp1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: snmp1 (version 1.1.13-3d781d3) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 1 resource configured

Online: [ snmp1 snmp2 ]

 prmDummy       (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started snmp1

Step 2) I stop a node of the standby once.

[root at snmp2 ~]# stop pacemaker
pacemaker stop/waiting

Step 3) I start a node of the standby again.
[root at snmp2 ~]# start pacemaker
pacemaker start/running, process 2284

Step 4) The indication of crm_mon does not change in particular.
[root at snmp1 ~]# crm_mon -1
Last updated: Mon Jul 27 14:45:12 2015          Last change: Mon Jul 27 14:40:29 2015 by root via cibadmin on snmp1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: snmp1 (version 1.1.13-3d781d3) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 1 resource configured

Online: [ snmp1 snmp2 ]

 prmDummy       (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started snmp1

In addition, as for the resource that started in snmp1 node, nothing changes.

Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 crmd[29116]:   notice: State transition S_IDLE -> S_POLICY_ENGINE [ input=I_PE_CALC cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=abort_transition_graph ]
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, origin=snmp1/attrd/11, version=0.4.20)
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 attrd[29114]:     info: Update 11 for probe_complete: OK (0)
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 attrd[29114]:     info: Update 11 for probe_complete[snmp1]=true: OK (0)
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 attrd[29114]:     info: Update 11 for probe_complete[snmp2]=true: OK (0)
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29202]:     info: Wrote version 0.4.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: a1f1920279fe0b1466a79cab09fa77d6)
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 pengine[29115]:   notice: On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 pengine[29115]:     info: Node snmp2 is online
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 pengine[29115]:     info: Node snmp1 is online
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 pengine[29115]:     info: prmDummy#011(ocf::heartbeat:Dummy):#011Started snmp1
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 pengine[29115]:     info: Leave   prmDummy#011(Started snmp1)

However, a trap of crm_mon is sent to an SNMP manager.
The resource does not reboot, but the SNMP trap which a resource started is sent.

Jul 27 14:41:39 SNMP-MANAGER snmptrapd[4521]: 2015-07-27 14:41:39 snmp1 [UDP: []:35265->[]]:#012DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (1437975699) 166 days, 10:22:36.99#011SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotification#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationResource = STRING: "prmDummy"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationNode = STRING: "snmp1"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationOperation = STRING: "start"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationDescription = STRING: "OK"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationReturnCode = INTEGER: 0#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationTargetReturnCode = INTEGER: 0#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationStatus = INTEGER: 0
Jul 27 14:41:39 SNMP-MANAGER snmptrapd[4521]: 2015-07-27 14:41:39 snmp1 [UDP: []:35265->[]]:#012DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (1437975699) 166 days, 10:22:36.99#011SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotification#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationResource = STRING: "prmDummy"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationNode = STRING: "snmp1"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationOperation = STRING: "monitor"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationDescription = STRING: "OK"#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationReturnCode = INTEGER: 0#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationTargetReturnCode = INTEGER: 0#011PACEMAKER-MIB::pacemakerNotificationStatus = INTEGER: 0

A difference of CIB occurring by the start stop of the node seems to have a problem.
By this difference, crm_mon transmits an unnecessary SNMP trap.
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: +  /cib:  @num_updates=19
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='3232238190']:  @crm-debug-origin=do_update_resource
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='3232238190']/lrm[@id='3232238190']/lrm_resources:  <lrm_resource id="prmDummy" type="Dummy" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat"/>
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: ++                                                                                  <lrm_rsc_op id="prmDummy_last_0" operation_key="prmDummy_monitor_0" operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" crm_feature_set="3.0.10" transition-key="6:6:7:34187f48-1f81-49c8-846e-ff3ed4c8f787" transition-magic="0:7;6:6:7:34187f48-1f81-49c8-846e-ff3ed4c8f787" on_node="snmp2" call-id="5" rc-code="7" op-status="0" interval="0" last-run="1437975699" last-rc-change="1437975699" exec-time="18" queue-ti
Jul 27 14:41:39 snmp1 cib[29111]:     info: ++                                                                                </lrm_resource>

I registered this problem with Bugzilla.
 * http://bugs.clusterlabs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5245
  * The log attached it to Bugzilla.

Best Regards,
Hideo Yamauchi.

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