[ClusterLabs] Resource ocf:heartbeat:asterisk fails to start

Danilo Malcangio d.malcangio at eletech.it
Fri Jul 24 16:38:38 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,
I have a cluster with the following configuration

node 1: pc-1
node 2: pc-2

primitive asterisk asterisk \
         params user=root group=root maxfiles=65536 
primitive pingGW PingOnFailOver
primitive tftp lsb:tftpd-hpa \
         op monitor interval=30s \
         op start interval=0 timeout=120s \
         op stop interval=0 timeout=120s
primitive virtual-ip IPaddr2 \
         params ip= cidr_netmask=20
colocation et-cluster-dependency inf: virtual-ip asterisk pingGW tftp
order et-cluster-order inf: virtual-ip asterisk pingGW tftp

I have installed sipsak to use the ocf:heartbeat:asterisk RA
Asterisk has a binding on the virtual ip (bindnetaddr)
Resource asterisk doesn't start and I get the following errors with crm_mon

Online: [ pc-1 pc-2 ]

virtual-ip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started pc-2

Failed actions:
     asterisk_start_0 on pc-1 'unknown error' (1): call=20, 
status=complete, last-rc-change='Fri Jul 24 18:0
9:05 2015', queued=0ms, exec=2131ms
     asterisk_start_0 on pc-2 'unknown error' (1): call=25, 
status=complete, last-rc-change='Fri Jul 24 18:0
9:21 2015', queued=0ms, exec=2123ms

I tried to debug the RA as described here 
http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/Debugging_Resource_Failures, configured the 
cluster only with the virtual ip (

root at pc-1:~# echo $OCF_ROOT
root at pc-1:~# export OCF_RESKEY_user=root
root at pc-1:~# export OCF_RESKEY_group=root
root at pc-1:~# export OCF_RESKEY_maxfiles=65536
root at pc-1:~# export OCF_RESKEY_monitor_sipuri=sip:

root at pc-1:~# /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/asterisk start ; echo $?
ERROR: /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/asterisk: 1: kill: No such process
INFO: Asterisk PBX not running: removing old PID file
ERROR: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does 
/var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
INFO: Asterisk PBX not running yet
INFO: 0 active channels 0 active calls 0 calls processed
ERROR: command failed: sipsak -s sip:
ERROR: Asterisk PBX start failed

root at pc-1:~# /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/asterisk start ; echo 
$?                                             INFO: Asterisk PBX 
already running

Running the script from shell I get those errors the first time, but 
asterisk starts, infact if I run the script again it results online.
It happened that twice the resource started correctly with the others, 
but after a failover the resource didn't start on the other node.

What am I missing?



My conf is
Debian Jessie 8.1
Pacemaker 1.1.12
Corosync 2.3.4
crmsh 2.1.0
asterisk 13.4.0

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