[ClusterLabs] Problem in Xen RA (SLES11 SP3)?

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Thu Jul 9 15:13:01 UTC 2015


I was watching our Xen-cluster when there were problems, and I found this:
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0 13401    24     r-----    560.6
[...other domains running...]
v08                                          8 16384     1     --p---      0.0
v09                                          9 16384     0     --p---      0.0

Jul  9 17:06:04 h01 Xen(prm_xen_v08)[12923]: INFO: Xen domain v08 will be stopped (timeout: 400s)
Jul  9 17:06:09 h01 Xen(prm_xen_v09)[12922]: INFO: Xen domain v09 already stopped.

Obviously this is not true: When the cluster tried to start the domain, it never left that p-state. But the re-create the domain, I guess the cluster has to destroy the existing domain.

Any insights on this?


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