[ClusterLabs] 3 nodes cluster on Centos 7

Nicolas S. lists at tropicdreams.net
Tue Jul 7 09:19:07 UTC 2015

Hello everybody,

I'm posting first time on this mailing list for an advice.

I try actually trying to build a cluster on Centos 7.

The cluster has 3 nodes :

- 1 virtual machine (machine1). This machine is supposed to be high-available
- 2 physical machines identical (machine2 and 3)

The physical machines are supposed to use DRBD to replicate storage.
A shared volume is going to be mounted on both machine 2 and 3 in read/write (gfs2).

The virtual machine is only here for the vote in the qorum, it has no data . 

I m' following this guide : http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1-pcs/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/index.html

My questions are :

- Is this configuration OK or shoud I better go to a 2 node only cluster ?

- Is there a way to "group" the storage machines 2 and 3 and put some ressources (like DRBD and GFS2) only on them ? So that the machine 1 is here , but does nothing, just vote.
I looked around in the pcs command line option but maybe i missed it.
Thanks in advance


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