[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker failover failure

alex austin alexixalex at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 15:57:49 CEST 2015

I have now configured stonith-enabled=true. What device should I use for
fencing given the fact that it's a virtual machine but I don't have access
to its configuration. would fence_pcmk do? if so, what parameters should I
configure for it to work properly?

This is my new config:

node dcwbpvmuas004.edc.nam.gm.com \

        attributes standby=off

node dcwbpvmuas005.edc.nam.gm.com \

        attributes standby=off

primitive ClusterIP IPaddr2 \

        params ip= cidr_netmask=23 \

        op monitor interval=1s timeout=20s \

        op start interval=0 timeout=20s \

        op stop interval=0 timeout=20s \

        meta is-managed=true target-role=Started resource-stickiness=500

primitive pcmk-fencing stonith:fence_pcmk \

        params pcmk_host_list="dcwbpvmuas004.edc.nam.gm.com
dcwbpvmuas005.edc.nam.gm.com" \

        op monitor interval=10s \

        meta target-role=Started

primitive redis redis \

        meta target-role=Master is-managed=true \

        op monitor interval=1s role=Master timeout=5s on-fail=restart

ms redis_clone redis \

        meta notify=true is-managed=true ordered=false interleave=false
globally-unique=false target-role=Master migration-threshold=1

colocation ClusterIP-on-redis inf: ClusterIP redis_clone:Master

colocation ip-on-redis inf: ClusterIP redis_clone:Master

colocation pcmk-fencing-on-redis inf: pcmk-fencing redis_clone:Master

property cib-bootstrap-options: \

        dc-version=1.1.11-97629de \

        cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \

        expected-quorum-votes=2 \


property redis_replication: \


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Nekrasov, Alexander <
alexander.nekrasov at emc.com> wrote:

> stonith-enabled=false
> this might be the issue. The way peer node death is resolved, the
> surviving node must call STONITH on the peer. If it’s disabled it might not
> be able to resolve the event
> Alex
> *From:* alex austin [mailto:alexixalex at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 01, 2015 9:51 AM
> *To:* Users at clusterlabs.org
> *Subject:* Re: [ClusterLabs] Pacemaker failover failure
> So I noticed that if I kill redis on one node, it starts on the other, no
> problem, but if I actually kill pacemaker itself on one node, the other
> doesn't "sense" it so it doesn't fail over.
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:42 PM, alex austin <alexixalex at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have configured a virtual ip and redis in master-slave with corosync
> pacemaker. If redis fails, then the failover is successful, and redis gets
> promoted on the other node. However if pacemaker itself fails on the active
> node, the failover is not performed. Is there anything I missed in the
> configuration?
> Here's my configuration (i have hashed the ip address out):
> node host1.com
> node host2.com
> primitive ClusterIP IPaddr2 \
> params ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx cidr_netmask=23 \
> op monitor interval=1s timeout=20s \
> op start interval=0 timeout=20s \
> op stop interval=0 timeout=20s \
> meta is-managed=true target-role=Started resource-stickiness=500
> primitive redis redis \
> meta target-role=Master is-managed=true \
> op monitor interval=1s role=Master timeout=5s on-fail=restart
> ms redis_clone redis \
> meta notify=true is-managed=true ordered=false interleave=false
> globally-unique=false target-role=Master migration-threshold=1
> colocation ClusterIP-on-redis inf: ClusterIP redis_clone:Master
> colocation ip-on-redis inf: ClusterIP redis_clone:Master
> property cib-bootstrap-options: \
> dc-version=1.1.11-97629de \
> cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \
> expected-quorum-votes=2 \
> stonith-enabled=false
> property redis_replication: \
> redis_REPL_INFO=host.com
> thank you in advance
> Kind regards,
> Alex
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