[ClusterLabs] Anyone successfully install Pacemaker/Corosync on Freebsd?

mike mgbutler at nbnet.nb.ca
Sat Dec 19 22:56:14 UTC 2015

Hi All,

just curious if anyone has had any luck at one point installing 
Pacemaker and Corosync on FreeBSD. I have to install from source of 
course and I've run into an issue when running ./configure while trying 
to install Corosync. The process craps out at nss with this error:

checking for nss... configure: error: in `/root/heartbeat/corosync-2.3.3':
configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too 
old. Make sure it
is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full
path to pkg-config.​
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables nss_CFLAGS
and nss_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I've looked unsuccessfully for a package called pkg-config and nss 
appears to be installed as you can see from this output:

root at wellesley:~/heartbeat/corosync-2.3.3 # pkg install nss
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The most recent version of packages are already installed

Anyway - just looking for any suggestions. Hoping that perhaps someone 
has successfully done this.

thanks in advance

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