[ClusterLabs] Stack: unknown and all nodes offline

Louis Munro lmunro at inverse.ca
Thu Dec 10 18:45:54 UTC 2015

Hello all,

I am trying to get a Corosync 2 cluster going on CentOS 6.7 but I am running in a bit of a problem with either Corosync or Pacemaker.
crm reports that all my nodes are offline and the stack is unknown (I am not sure if that is relevant).

I believe both nodes are actually present and seen in corosync, but they may not be considered as such by pacemaker.
I have messages in the logs saying that the processes cannot get the node name and default to uname -n: 

Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com

The uname -n is correct as far that is concerned.

Does this mean anything to anyone here? 

[Lots of details to follow]...

I compiled my own versions of Corosync, Pacemaker, crm and the resource-agents seemingly without problems.

Here is what I currently have installed:

# corosync -v
Corosync Cluster Engine, version '2.3.5'
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Red Hat, Inc.

# pacemakerd -F
Pacemaker 1.1.13 (Build: 5b41ae1)
 Supporting v3.0.10:  generated-manpages agent-manpages ascii-docs ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc lha-fencing upstart nagios  corosync-native atomic-attrd libesmtp acls

# crm --version
crm 2.2.0-rc3

Here is the output of crm status:

# crm status
Last updated: Thu Dec 10 12:47:50 2015		Last change: Thu Dec 10 12:02:33 2015 by root via cibadmin on hack1.example.com
Stack: unknown
Current DC: NONE
2 nodes and 0 resources configured

OFFLINE: [ hack1.example.com hack2.example.com ]

Full list of resources:

{nothing to see here}

# corosync-cmapctl | grep members
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513528.config_version (u64) = 0
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513528.ip (str) = r(0) ip(
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513528.join_count (u32) = 1
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513528.status (str) = joined
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513590.config_version (u64) = 0
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513590.ip (str) = r(0) ip(
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513590.join_count (u32) = 1
runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.739513590.status (str) = joined

# uname -n

# corosync-cfgtool -s
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 739513528
	id	=
	status	= ring 0 active with no faults

# uname -n

# corosync-cfgtool -s
Printing ring status.
Local node ID 739513590
	id	=
	status	= ring 0 active with no faults

Shouldn’t I see both nodes in the same ring?

My corosync config is currently defined as:

# egrep -v '#' /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
totem {
	version: 2

	crypto_cipher: none
	crypto_hash: none
	clear_node_high_bit: yes
	cluster_name: hack_cluster
	interface {
		ringnumber: 0
		mcastport: 5405
		ttl: 1


logging {
	fileline: on
	to_stderr: no
	to_logfile: yes
	logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
	to_syslog: yes
	debug: off
	timestamp: on
	logger_subsys {
		subsys: QUORUM
		debug: off

# cat /etc/corosync/service.d/pacemaker
service {
    name: pacemaker
    ver: 1

And here is my pacemaker configuration:

# crm config show xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<cib num_updates="0" update-origin="hack1.example.com" crm_feature_set="3.0.10" validate-with="pacemaker-2.4" update-client="cibadmin" epoch="13" admin_epoch="0" update-user="root" cib-last-written="Thu Dec 10 13:35:06 2015">
      <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
        <nvpair name="stonith-enabled" value="false" id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-enabled"/>
        <nvpair name="no-quorum-policy" value="ignore" id="cib-bootstrap-options-no-quorum-policy"/>
      <node uname="hack1.example.com" id="hack1.example.com">
        <instance_attributes id="hack1.example.com-instance_attributes">
          <nvpair name="standby" value="off" id="hack1.example.com-instance_attributes-standby"/>
      <node uname="hack2.example.com" id="hack2.example.com">
        <instance_attributes id="hack2.example.com-instance_attributes">
          <nvpair name="standby" value="off" id="hack2.example.com-instance_attributes-standby"/>

And finally some logs that might be relevant: 

Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [MAIN  ] main.c:1227 Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.3.5'): started and ready to provide service.
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync info    [MAIN  ] main.c:1228 Corosync built-in features: pie relro bindnow
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [TOTEM ] totemnet.c:248 Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [TOTEM ] totemcrypto.c:579 Initializing transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: none hash: none
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [TOTEM ] totemudp.c:671 The network interface [] is now up.
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [SERV  ] service.c:174 Service engine loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync info    [QB    ] ipc_setup.c:377 server name: cmap
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [SERV  ] service.c:174 Service engine loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync info    [QB    ] ipc_setup.c:377 server name: cfg
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [SERV  ] service.c:174 Service engine loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync info    [QB    ] ipc_setup.c:377 server name: cpg
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [SERV  ] service.c:174 Service engine loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [SERV  ] service.c:174 Service engine loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync info    [QB    ] ipc_setup.c:377 server name: quorum
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [TOTEM ] totemsrp.c:2095 A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [MAIN  ] main.c:305 Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [TOTEM ] totemsrp.c:2095 A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:50 [2227] hack1.example.com corosync notice  [MAIN  ] main.c:305 Completed service synchronization, ready to provide service.
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:   notice: mcp_read_config:	Configured corosync to accept connections from group 500: OK (1)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:   notice: main:	Starting Pacemaker 1.1.13 (Build: 5b41ae1):  generated-manpages agent-manpages ascii-docs ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc lha-fencing upstart nagios  corosync-native atomic-attrd libesmtp acls
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: main:	Maximum core file size is: 18446744073709551615
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: pacemakerd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 212e3751-e79f-4a72-927b-6e0176a9b35c/0x1b68e50 for node (null)/739513528 (1 total)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 has uuid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	cluster_connect_cpg: Node (null)[739513528] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:    error: cluster_connect_quorum:	Corosync quorum is not configured
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Using uid=500 and group=500 for process cib
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2231 for process cib
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2232 for process stonith-ng
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2233 for process lrmd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Using uid=500 and group=500 for process attrd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2234 for process attrd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Using uid=500 and group=500 for process pengine
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2235 for process pengine
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Using uid=500 and group=500 for process crmd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: start_child:	Forked child 2236 for process crmd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: main:	Starting mainloop
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 joined group pacemakerd (counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=hack1.example.com, counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:  warning: crm_is_writable:	/var/lib/pacemaker/cib should be owned and r/w by group haclient
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: get_cluster_type:	Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: get_cluster_type:	Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: retrieveCib:	Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml.sig)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: validate_with_relaxng:	Creating RNG parser context
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: main:	Starting up
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: get_cluster_type:	Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: get_cluster_type:	Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:	Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: main:	CRM Git Version: 1.1.13 (5b41ae1)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/root
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: get_cluster_type:	Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: get_cluster_type:	Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:	Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:  warning: crm_is_writable:	/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine should be owned and r/w by group haclient
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:  warning: crm_is_writable:	/var/lib/pacemaker/cib should be owned and r/w by group haclient
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_log:	FSA: Input I_STARTUP from crmd_init() received in state S_STARTING
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: get_cluster_type:	Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: get_cluster_type:	Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: startCib:	CIB Initialization completed successfully
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:	Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2235] hack1.example.com    pengine:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/hacluster
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2235] hack1.example.com    pengine:  warning: crm_is_writable:	/var/lib/pacemaker/pengine should be owned and r/w by group haclient
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2235] hack1.example.com    pengine:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: pengine
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2235] hack1.example.com    pengine:     info: main:	Starting pengine
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2233] hack1.example.com       lrmd:     info: crm_log_init:	Changed active directory to /var/lib/heartbeat/cores/root
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2233] hack1.example.com       lrmd:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: lrmd
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2233] hack1.example.com       lrmd:     info: main:	Starting
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry f34a4388-23fc-4f86-8932-43c814eb5ad7/0x1b6a920 for node (null)/739513590 (2 total)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 has uuid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513590 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=(null), counter=0.1)
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	pcmk_cpg_membership: Node (null)[739513590] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 is now known as hack2.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:52 [2230] hack1.example.com pacemakerd:     info: mcp_cpg_deliver:	Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 5fbd08d1-fdbf-4f8c-85d0-bbbed1240969/0x180eb70 for node (null)/739513528 (1 total)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 has uuid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	cluster_connect_cpg: Node (null)[739513528] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513528] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: init_cs_connection_once:	Connection to 'corosync': established
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry c2d2ccef-c87c-4b3c-8004-659f09113048/0x11fa8e0 for node (null)/739513528 (1 total)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 has uuid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	cluster_connect_cpg: Node (null)[739513528] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513528] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: init_cs_connection_once:	Connection to 'corosync': established
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 97e43f18-db5c-4496-b8fc-bd7b4a6ea711/0x1deba80 for node (null)/739513528 (1 total)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 has uuid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	cluster_connect_cpg: Node (null)[739513528] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513528] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: init_cs_connection_once:	Connection to 'corosync': established
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: main:	Cluster connection active
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: attrd
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: main:	Accepting attribute updates
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: cib_ro
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: cib_rw
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: cib_shm
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_init:	Starting cib mainloop
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_file_backup:	Archived previous version as /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-26.raw
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:	Wrote version 0.13.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: d37e6c1873e854e52dd9b2caaa5e4beb)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_file_write_with_digest:	Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.dqtKlA (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.BkV3eX)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 joined group cib (counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 still member of group cib (peer=hack1.example.com, counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 87459e91-7cff-4781-9c9a-5f78385e4b7c/0x1dec1d0 for node (null)/739513590 (2 total)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 has uuid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513590 still member of group cib (peer=(null), counter=0.1)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	pcmk_cpg_membership: Node (null)[739513590] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513590] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_cib_control:	CIB connection established
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: crm_cluster_connect:	Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 09d2eabe-fe50-4b40-b614-4f550dcbc677/0x156d0c0 for node (null)/739513528 (1 total)
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 has uuid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	cluster_connect_cpg: Node (null)[739513528] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: init_cs_connection_once:	Connection to 'corosync': established
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513528 is now known as hack1.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:53 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: peer_update_callback:	hack1.example.com is now in unknown state
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:    error: cluster_connect_quorum:	Corosync quorum is not configured
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: attrd_cib_connect:	Connected to the CIB after 2 attempts
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: main:	CIB connection active
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 joined group attrd (counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 still member of group attrd (peer=hack1.example.com, counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: setup_cib:	Watching for stonith topology changes
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:	server name: stonith-ng
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: main:	Starting stonith-ng mainloop
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 joined group stonith-ng (counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 still member of group stonith-ng (peer=hack1.example.com, counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_ha_control:	Connected to the cluster
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: lrmd_ipc_connect:	Connecting to lrmd
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 1edc2c5f-1438-4f5c-b5aa-e95861c4205e/0x1814190 for node (null)/739513590 (2 total)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 has uuid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513590 still member of group attrd (peer=(null), counter=0.1)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	pcmk_cpg_membership: Node (null)[739513590] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2234] hack1.example.com      attrd:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513590] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry 81f08c2d-6517-4b38-8fdc-51a4ada76af2/0x11fc5c0 for node (null)/739513590 (2 total)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 has uuid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513590 still member of group stonith-ng (peer=(null), counter=0.1)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	pcmk_cpg_membership: Node (null)[739513590] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter:	crm_update_peer_proc: Node (null)[739513590] - state is now member (was (null))
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_process_request:	Forwarding cib_modify operation for section nodes to master (origin=local/crmd/3)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_lrm_control:	LRM connection established
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_started:	Delaying start, no membership data (0000000000100000)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 joined group crmd (counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513528 still member of group crmd (peer=hack1.example.com, counter=0.0)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: init_cib_cache_cb:	Updating device list from the cib: init
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: cib_devices_update:	Updating devices to version 0.13.0
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:   notice: unpack_config:	On loss of CCM Quorum: Ignore
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2232] hack1.example.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 is now known as hack2.example.com
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513528
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:   notice: get_node_name:	Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: corosync_node_name:	Unable to get node name for nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: get_node_name:	Could not obtain a node name for corosync nodeid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Created entry b34ca282-9c15-47de-8c98-cb59d1d8bed4/0x16b5130 for node (null)/739513590 (2 total)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_get_peer:	Node 739513590 has uuid 739513590
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:	Node 739513590 still member of group crmd (peer=(null), counter=0.1)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:	pcmk_cpg_membership: Node (null)[739513590] - corosync-cpg is now online
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:   notice: crmd_enable_notifications:	Notifications disabled
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2236] hack1.example.com       crmd:     info: do_started:	Delaying start, no membership data (0000000000100000)
Dec 10 13:38:54 [2231] hack1.example.com        cib:     info: cib_process_request:	Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK (rc=0, origin=hack1.example.com/crmd/3, version=0.13.0)

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best  regards,
Louis Munro

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