[ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: start service after filesystemressource

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Mon Dec 7 11:29:42 UTC 2015

>>> Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com> schrieb am 20.11.2015 um 16:06 in Nachricht
<564F36E2.90804 at redhat.com>:

>> location cli-prefer-collectd collectd inf: host-1
>> location cli-prefer-failover-ip1 failover-ip1 inf: host-1
>> location cli-prefer-failover-ip2 failover-ip2 inf: host-1
>> location cli-prefer-failover-ip3 failover-ip3 inf: host-1
>> location cli-prefer-res_drbd_export res_drbd_export inf: hermes-1
>> location cli-prefer-res_fs res_fs inf: host-1
> A word of warning, these "cli-" constraints were added automatically
> when you ran CLI commands to move resources to specific hosts. You have
> to clear these when you're done with whatever the move was for,
> otherwise the resources will only run on those nodes from now on.

Actually I prefer to add timing restrictions when creating such. So they become ineffective automatically. Usually it's sufficient to say "for 5 minutes" (PT5M). Of course this depends on your location preferences and stickiness settings. For use resources remain where they run unless theres a failure...


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