[ClusterLabs] SLES11SP4 (crmsh-2.1.2+git49.g2e3fa0e-1.32): problems parsing nodes

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Fri Dec 11 21:14:37 CET 2015


"crm configure edit" displays the nodes section in XML like this:

xml <node id="h04" uname="h04"> \
  <utilization id="h04-utilization"> \
    <nvpair id="h04-utilization-utl_ram" name="utl_ram" value="1200"/> \
    <nvpair id="h04-utilization-utl_cpu" name="utl_cpu" value="200"/> \
  </utilization> \
  <instance_attributes id="nodes-h04"> \
    <nvpair id="nodes-h04-standby" name="standby" value="off"/> \
  </instance_attributes> \

In SLES11 SP3 this was not the case...

The rest of the config is not displayed in XML, just the nodes.


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