[ClusterLabs] [Question] About deletion of "SysVStartPriority".

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Thu Aug 6 07:13:21 UTC 2015

On 06/08/15 15:42 +0900, renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp wrote:
> We have a question for the next correction.
>  * https://github.com/ClusterLabs/pacemaker/commit/a97c28d75347aa7be76092aa22459f0f56a220ff
> We understand it that this obeyed a correction of systemd.
> In Pacemaker1.1.13, "SysVStartPriority=99" is set.
> Pacemaker1.1.12 is set, too.
> When we use Pacemaker1.1.12, does it have a problem to delete "SysVStartPriority=99"?
> Or must we not delete it when use Pacemaker1.1.12 and Pacemaker1.1.13?
> Or is it necessary to judge it by a version of systemd of the OS, and to set it?

It was a leftover from times systemd took that value into account
(definitely not the case with systemd-218+), and yes, systemd version
is the only deciding factor whether it makes sense to state the
parameter in the unit file.  I wouldn't expect this change will
cause any issue regardless since the order at the startup/shutdown
is pretty clear anyway (After/Requires).

So if you want, just go for it (and let us know in case of troubles).
After all, unit files are there to be tweaked by keen sysadmins like
you via overrides in /etc/systemd/user :-)

Jan (Poki)
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