[ClusterLabs] NFS - Non Mirroring

Streeter, Michelle N michelle.n.streeter at boeing.com
Tue Aug 4 15:54:53 UTC 2015

Oops and Clarification: I was wrong about the iscsi.   Its Serial over scsi or SAS.

From: Streeter, Michelle N
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 10:39 AM
To: 'users at clusterlabs.org'
Subject: NFS - Non Mirroring

Our current configuration is using rhel 6 ha which uses the cluster.conf and nfsclient.

I am testing the newer upgrade to pacemaker.  Current Test is Pacemaker 1.1.9

I am still constrained to rhel 6.6

We have a two node system.   Both nodes are pointing to the same drives via iscsi.   And so we are not mirroring.

I see all kinds of info on NFSserver and DRBD but this is for mirroring.

Saw some stuff using exportfs but the nfs-kernel-? Seemed to be an older implementation

So, with that said, which implementation should I use to implement my NFS system?

BTW, I am currently testing using VMBox.   Two nodes which I am mounting the NFS from the san-ish virtual; these are the cluster nodes, one san-ish which uses NFS server, one rhel 6 with gui to test the cluster.

Michelle Streeter
ASC2 MCS - SDE/ACL/SDL/EDL OKC Software Engineer
The Boeing Company

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