[ClusterLabs] multiple drives looks like balancing but why and causing troubles

Streeter, Michelle N michelle.n.streeter at boeing.com
Wed Aug 26 18:46:44 UTC 2015

I have a two node cluster.  Both nodes are virtual and have five shared drives attached via sas controller.  For some reason, the cluster shows both nodes have half the drives started on them.   Not sure if this is called split brain or not.   It definitely looks load balancing.   But I did not set up load balancing.   On my client, I only see the data for the shares on the active cluster node.   But they should all be on the active cluster node.  Any suggestions as to why this is happening?  Is there a setting so that everything works on only one node at a time?

pcs cluster status:
Cluster name: CNAS
Last updated: Wed Aug 26 13:35:47 2015
Last change: Wed Aug 26 13:28:55 2015
Stack: classic openais (with plugin)
Current DC: nas02 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.11-97629de
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
11 Resources configured

Online: [ nas01 nas02 ]

Full list of resources:

NAS    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started nas01
Resource Group: datag
     datashare  (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nas02
     dataserver (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):     Started nas02
Resource Group: oomtlg
     oomtlshare (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nas01
     oomtlserver        (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):     Started nas01
Resource Group: oomtrg
     oomtrshare (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nas02
     oomtrserver        (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):     Started as02
Resource Group: oomblg
     oomblshare (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nas01
     oomblserver        (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):     Started nas01
Resource Group: oombrg
     oombrshare (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started nas02
     oombrserver        (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):     Started nas02

pcs config show:
Cluster Name: CNAS
Corosync Nodes:
nas01 nas02
Pacemaker Nodes:
nas01 nas02

Resource: NAS (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
  Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=24
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (NAS-start-timeout-20s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=20s (NAS-stop-timeout-20s)
              monitor interval=10s timeout=20s (NAS-monitor-interval-10s)
Group: datag
  Resource: datashare (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/sdb1 directory=/data fstype=ext4
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (datashare-start-timeout-60)
               stop interval=0s timeout=60 (datashare-stop-timeout-60)
               monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (datashare-monitor-interval-20)
  Resource: dataserver (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=nfsserver)
   Attributes: nfs_shared_infodir=/data/nfsinfo nfs_no_notify=true
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40 (dataserver-start-timeout-40)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (dataserver-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=10 timeout=20s (dataserver-monitor-interval-10)
Group: oomtlg
  Resource: oomtlshare (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/sdc1 directory=/oomtl fstype=ext4
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (oomtlshare-start-timeout-60)
               stop interval=0s timeout=60 (oomtlshare-stop-timeout-60)
               monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (oomtlshare-monitor-interval-20)
  Resource: oomtlserver (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=nfsserver)
   Attributes: nfs_shared_infodir=/oomtl/nfsinfo nfs_no_notify=true
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40 (oomtlserver-start-timeout-40)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (oomtlserver-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=10 timeout=20s (oomtlserver-monitor-interval-10)
Group: oomtrg
  Resource: oomtrshare (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/sdd1 directory=/oomtr fstype=ext4
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (oomtrshare-start-timeout-60)
               stop interval=0s timeout=60 (oomtrshare-stop-timeout-60)
               monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (oomtrshare-monitor-interval-20)
  Resource: oomtrserver (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=nfsserver)
   Attributes: nfs_shared_infodir=/oomtr/nfsinfo nfs_no_notify=true
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40 (oomtrserver-start-timeout-40)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (oomtrserver-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=10 timeout=20s (oomtrserver-monitor-interval-10)
Group: oomblg
  Resource: oomblshare (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/sde1 directory=/oombl fstype=ext4
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (oomblshare-start-timeout-60)
               stop interval=0s timeout=60 (oomblshare-stop-timeout-60)
               monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (oomblshare-monitor-interval-20)
  Resource: oomblserver (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=nfsserver)
   Attributes: nfs_shared_infodir=/oombl/nfsinfo nfs_no_notify=true
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40 (oomblserver-start-timeout-40)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (oomblserver-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=10 timeout=20s (oomblserver-monitor-interval-10)
Group: oombrg
  Resource: oombrshare (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
   Attributes: device=/dev/sdf1 directory=/oombr fstype=ext4
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (oombrshare-start-timeout-60)
               stop interval=0s timeout=60 (oombrshare-stop-timeout-60)
               monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (oombrshare-monitor-interval-20)
  Resource: oombrserver (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=nfsserver)
   Attributes: nfs_shared_infodir=/oombr/nfsinfo nfs_no_notify=true
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=40 (oombrserver-start-timeout-40)
               stop interval=0s timeout=20s (oombrserver-stop-timeout-20s)
               monitor interval=10 timeout=20s (oombrserver-monitor-interval-10)

Stonith Devices:
Fencing Levels:

Location Constraints:
Ordering Constraints:
Colocation Constraints:

Cluster Properties:
cluster-infrastructure: classic openais (with plugin)
dc-version: 1.1.11-97629de
expected-quorum-votes: 2
no-quorum-policy: ignore
stonith-enabled: false

Michelle Streeter
ASC2 MCS - SDE/ACL/SDL/EDL OKC Software Engineer
The Boeing Company

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