[ClusterLabs] CentOS 7 - Pacemaker - Problem with nfs-server and system

Stefan Bauer sb at plzk.de
Tue Aug 11 14:08:15 UTC 2015

Dear Users / Developers,

I'm having trouble including the service nfs-server into pacemaker.

System ist CentOS7 with systemd. I can start the serivce nfs-server manually and it returns exit code 0 but it takes some time:

[root at centos7-n1 ~]# time systemctl start nfs-server

real    1m0.480s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.006s
[root at centos7-n1 ~]# echo $?
[root at centos7-n1 ~]#

 However, i can not start it with pacemaker.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Current config is:

primitive p_nfsserver systemd:nfs-server \
        params \
        op start interval=0 timeout=80s \
        op monitor interval=60 start-delay=10

Please find the relevant log snippets attached as well.

Thank you.


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