[ClusterLabs] How to set Two active servers(Masters) using Pacemaker

Sayed Mujtaba mujtaba at riversilica.com
Wed Apr 22 12:44:37 UTC 2015

Hi ,


I am trying to form 3 node cluster using pacemaker  .  I want to take two
nodes a Master (Active nodes) and one as backup node .

Is there any configuration step to tell it have two as Active servers?


Below is snp shot of my 3 node cluster ..




[root at localhost ~]# pcs status

Cluster name: mycluster

Last updated: Wed Apr 22 05:28:27 2015

Last change: Tue Apr 21 15:01:40 2015 via crmd on node2

Stack: corosync

Current DC: node2 (2) - partition with quorum

Version: 1.1.10-32.el7_0.1-368c726

3 Nodes configured

2 Resources configured



Online: [ node1 node2 node3 ]


Full list of resources:


ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started node1

WebSite        (ocf::heartbeat:apache):        Started node1


PCSD Status:

  node1: Online

  node2: Online

  node3: Online


Daemon Status:

  corosync: active/disabled

  pacemaker: active/disabled

  pcsd: active/enabled

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