[ClusterLabs] ambiguity with ocf:pacemaker:HealthSmart

Peter Thurner p.thurner at blunix.org
Thu Apr 16 14:39:46 UTC 2015

Hi Cluster-Lovers,

I'm getting into corosync / pacemaker since a few days, currently
running a two-node Setup (Master and Failover). I'm running on ubuntu
14.04 with corosync 2.3.3, pacemaker 1.1.10 and I'm using the latest
master branch of https://github.com/ClusterLabs/resource-agents.

I'm trying to create the HealthSMART resource via:

crm configure primitive Health_Smart_sda ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART \
    meta \
        target-role="Started" \
    params \
        temp_upper_limit="60" temp_lower_limit="30" temp_warning="5"
drives="/dev/sda" state="/var/run/HealthSMARTsda.state"

crm configure primitive Health_Smart_sdb ocf:pacemaker:HealthSMART \
    meta \
        target-role="Started" \
    params \
        temp_upper_limit="60" temp_lower_limit="30" temp_warning="5"
drives="/dev/sdb" state="/var/run/HealthSMARTsdb.state"

I'm using two resources because using drives="/dev/sda /dev/sdb" gives
me this error:

/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/HealthSMART: 173: [: /dev/sda: unexpected

When I try to commit the two primitives I get the following error:

WARNING: Resources Health_Smart_sda,Health_Smart_sdb violate uniqueness for
parameter "temp_warning": "5"
WARNING: Resources Health_Smart_sda,Health_Smart_sdb violate uniqueness for
parameter "temp_lower_limit": "30"
WARNING: Resources Health_Smart_sda,Health_Smart_sdb violate uniqueness for
parameter "temp_upper_limit": "60"

My Idea was to create clones of each ressource then, to use for each of
the two nodes in my cluster, like:

crm configure clone CLO_Health_Smart_sda Health_Smart_sda \
    meta \
        clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1"

crm configure clone Clo_Health_Smart_sdb Health_Smart_sdb \
    meta \
        clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1"

Whats the best practice way to monitor /dev/sda and /dev/sdb via
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