[ClusterLabs] LXC resource agent not usable

Marc MAURICE marc.maurice at objectif-libre.com
Fri Apr 3 15:39:11 UTC 2015

Hello all,

I think I found a bug, but I don't know where to file it (pacemaker ? 
lxc resource agent ? crmsh ?).

Or is it something with my environment?

This is easy to reproduce : try to add a ocf:heartbeat:lxc resource.
(Ubuntu 14.04)

crm(live)configure# primitive mylxc ocf:heartbeat:lxc params 
container="TestMigration" config="/var/lib/lxc/TestMigration/config"
crm(live)configure# verify
    error: setup_container:     Resource mylxc: Unknown resource 
container (TestMigration)
Errors found during check: config not valid

I found that there is a naming conflict between the "container" 
parameter from the resource agent, and some pacemaker internal parameter.

Something in : 

When hacking the resource agent (/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/lxc), 
replacing the "container" parameter name with something else : 
everything works fine.

So : bug or not ?

Thanks in advance,

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