<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi, guy:<br>I followed the standard way to enable the IPMI based STONITH for a service which relies on DRBD primary-secondary replication.<br></div>Besides below pacemaker configuration (of cause, STONITH is enabled for pacemaker):<br>
<br>primitive suse2-stonith stonith:external/ipmi \<br> params hostname="suse2" ipaddr="XXX" userid="admin" passwd="xxx" interface="lan"<br>primitive suse4-stonith stonith:external/ipmi \<br>
params hostname="suse4" ipaddr="YYY" userid="admin" passwd="yyy" interface="lan"<br>location st-suse2 suse2-stonith -inf: suse2<br>location st-suse4 suse4-stonith -inf: suse4<br>
<br></div>I also use 'resource-and-stonith' as DRBD global configuration.<br></div>This configuration works for many times with below failure tests:<br></div>1. iptables -A INPUT -j DROP<br></div>2. echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger<br>
</div>3. /etc/init.d/network stop<br></div>4. reboot<br></div><div>The failed node will be power cycled the counterpart by IPMI command.<br></div>However, I still get DRBD SplitBrain issue for some time. Does that mean IPMI is still not so reliable for DATA integration?<br>
<br>And I was also so confused that for many times, crm-unfence-peer.sh. is not called after crm-fence-peer.sh. Does this imply that I have something misconfigured?<br>Your advice is really appreciated.<br>Thanks in advance.<br>