<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Every 15-18 minutes one of my resources gets stopped on one node and then is restarted shortly after. <br><br></div>In the DC log I can see the following error lines. <br><br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: clone_rsc_colocation_rh: Pairing resOCFS:1 with groupOcfs2Mgmt:0<br>
Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: native_assign_node: Assigning app02 to resOCFS:1<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: ERROR: color_instance: Pre-allocation failed: got app02 instead of app01<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: info: native_deallocate: Deallocating resOCFS:1 from app02<br>
Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: clone_rsc_colocation_rh: Pairing resOCFS:0 with groupOcfs2Mgmt:0<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: native_assign_node: Assigning app02 to resOCFS:0<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: clone_rsc_colocation_rh: Pairing resOCFS:1 with groupOcfs2Mgmt:1<br>
Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: clone_rsc_colocation_rh: Pairing resOCFS:1 with groupOcfs2Mgmt:1<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: native_assign_node: All nodes for resource resOCFS:1 are unavailable, unclean or shutting down (app01: 1, -1000000)<br>
Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: debug: native_assign_node: Could not allocate a node for resOCFS:1<br>Dec 28 15:04:09 app01 pengine: [8618]: info: native_color: Resource resOCFS:1 cannot run anywhere<br><br></div><div>
This plays out before every stop event of OCFS. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Here is the cib. <br><br>primitive VirtualIP0 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \<br> params ip="" \<br> op monitor interval="10s" \<br>
meta target-role="Started"<br>primitive resDLM ocf:pacemaker:controld<br>primitive resDrbdShared0 ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="shared0" \<br> operations $id="resDrbd-operations" \<br>
op monitor interval="20" role="Master" timeout="20" notify="true" \<br> op monitor interval="30" role="Slave" timeout="20" notify="true"<br>
primitive resJboss lsb:jboss4 \<br> op monitor interval="120s" timeout="150s" \<br> op start interval="0" timeout="150s" \<br> op stop interval="0" timeout="150s"<br>
primitive resO2CB ocf:pacemaker:o2cb<br>primitive resOCFS ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br> params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/shared0" directory="/data" fstype="ocfs2" \<br> op monitor interval="120s" timeout="40" \<br>
op start interval="0" timeout="60" \<br> op stop interval="0" timeout="60"<br>group groupOcfs2Mgmt resDLM resO2CB<br>ms msDrbdShared0 resDrbdShared0 \<br> meta resource-stickines="100" notify="true" interleave="true" master-max="2" target-role="Started"<br>
clone cloneJboss resJboss \<br> meta interleave="true" ordered="true" is-managed="false" target-role="Started"<br>clone cloneOCFS resOCFS \<br> meta interleave="true" ordered="true" target-role="Started" is-managed="true"<br>
clone cloneOcfs2Mgmt groupOcfs2Mgmt \<br> meta interleave="true" target-role="Started"<br>location locVirtualIP0 VirtualIP0 9001: app01<br>colocation colDRBD inf: cloneOcfs2Mgmt msDrbdShared0:Master<br>
colocation colOcfs2 inf: cloneOCFS cloneOcfs2Mgmt<br>order ordDRBD inf: msDrbdShared0:promote cloneOcfs2Mgmt:start<br>order ordOcfs2 inf: cloneOcfs2Mgmt:start cloneOCFS:start<br>property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \<br>
dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \<br> cluster-infrastructure="openais" \<br> expected-quorum-votes="2" \<br> stonith-enabled="false" \<br>
no-quorum-policy="ignore" \<br> last-lrm-refresh="1356702541"<br>rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \<br> resource-stickiness="0"<br>op_defaults $id="op-options" \<br>
timeout="20s"<br><br></div><div>I first suspected wrong network name resolution but /etc/hosts is correct and no duplicate names. <br clear="all"></div><div><div><div><div><br>-- <br>Hälsningar / Greetings<br>
<br>Stefan Midjich<br>[De omnibus dubitandum]