Hello all,<br><br>I'm a newbie in pacemaker so i need your understanding.<br>I'm testing pacemaker+corosync+drbd+ocfs2+samba in 2 vm using ubuntu server 10.04LTS.<br>I use LVM and created 1 VG called vg0 and 2 LVs called /dev/vg0/lv0_iscsi and lv0_samba.<br>
Each lv is used by a DRBD device.<br><br>/dev/vg0/lv0_iscsi -> drbd0<br>/dev/vg0/lv0_samba -> drbd1<br><br>drbd0 is formatted with ocfs2 fs and auto mounted on /cluster folder by pacemaker.<br>Both drbd0 on 2 nodes are working in primary mode so they auto mount drbd0 in /cluster.<br>
<br>I've used this guide to achieve auto mount of drbd0 device on /cluster using crm:<br><br><a href="http://docs.bloonix.net/drbd-pacemaker-corosync-ocfs2.html">http://docs.bloonix.net/drbd-pacemaker-corosync-ocfs2.html</a><br clear="all">
<br>My question is how will achieve the same thing (auto mounting drbd1 this time) using samba on /samba mount point?<br>drbd1 is formatted using ext4 fs.<br>I mean which specific configuration I should make in "crm configure edit" to achieve this.<br>
Each samba daemon must be started automatically by pacemaker and alsto stopped by it when primary node is up to avoid corruption (primary/secondary mode).<br>Also there must be a HA ip address which pacemaker will "attach" to each working node when the other node is down.<br>
This ip would be the ip that clients will use to access samba shares.<br>My current Pacemaker configuration is:<br><br>node master-server<br>node slave-server<br>primitive res-DLM ocf:pacemaker:controld \<br> op monitor interval="15"<br>
primitive res-Data ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="cluster-ocfs" \<br> op monitor interval="14s" role="Master" timeout="15s" \<br> op monitor interval="15s" role="Slave" timeout="15s"<br>
primitive res-FS-data ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br> params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/cluster-ocfs" directory="/cluster" fstype="ocfs2" options="rw,noatime" \<br> op monitor interval="15"<br>
primitive res-FS-samba ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br> params device="/dev/drbd/by-res/samba" directory="/samba" fstype="ext4" \<br> op monitor interval="15"<br>primitive res-O2CB ocf:pacemaker:o2cb \<br>
op monitor interval="15"<br>primitive res-Samba ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="samba" \<br> op monitor interval="14s" role="Master" timeout="15s" \<br>
op monitor interval="15s" role="Slave" timeout="15s"<br>ms ms-Data res-Data \<br> meta resource-stickines="100" notify="true" master-max="2" clone-max="2"<br>
ms ms-Samba res-Samba \<br> meta resource-stickines="100" notify="true" master-max="2" clone-max="2"<br>clone clone-DLM res-DLM \<br> meta globally-unique="false" interleave="true"<br>
clone clone-FS-data res-FS-data<br>clone clone-FS-samba res-FS-samba<br>clone clone-O2CB res-O2CB \<br> meta globally-unique="false" interleave="true"<br>colocation col-DLM-Data inf: clone-DLM ms-Data:Master<br>
colocation col-O2CB-DLM inf: clone-O2CB clone-DLM<br>order ord-DLM-O2CB inf: clone-DLM clone-O2CB<br>order ord-Data-DLM inf: ms-Data:promote clone-DLM:start<br>order ord-FS-data inf: clone-O2CB clone-FS-data<br>order ord-FS-samba inf: clone-O2CB clone-FS-samba<br>
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \<br> dc-version="1.0.8-042548a451fce8400660f6031f4da6f0223dd5dd" \<br> cluster-infrastructure="openais" \<br> expected-quorum-votes="2" \<br>
stonith-enabled="false" \<br> no-quorum-policy="ignore" \<br> default-resource-stickiness="1000"<br><br><br><br><br>