Hi <br><br>I am using Heartbeat(3.0.3) and pacemaker (1.0.9).<br><br>We are facing the following issue. Please find the details.<br><br>we had installed heartbeat and pacemaker,on the uinux BOX(CENT OS operation system).<br>
<br>we had created a ssh user and provided it to one of the developers.<br>please find the directory structure and the bash profile for that ssh user.<br><br>bash-3.2# cat .bash_profile<br># .bash_profile<br># User specific environment and startup programs<br>
PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin<br>export PATH<br>bash-3.2#<br>but when one of the developer logs in to the box where heartbeat/pacemaker is<br>installed through ssh .<br>he is unable to execute crm configuration commands.<br>say for example. while we are executing the following crm configuration commands .<br>
we are unable to execute crm configuration commands and the system is hanging<br>while executing.<br><br>Please find the crm configuration command we are using and the snapshot of the bash prompt while executing<br><br>-bash-3.2$ crm configure primitive HttpdVIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr3 \<br>
params ip="" eth_num="eth0:2" vip_cleanup_file="/var/run/bigha.pid" \<br> op start interval="0" timeout="120s" \<br> op stop interval="0" timeout="120s" \<br>
> params ip="" eth_num="eth0:2" vip_cleanup_file="/var/run/bigha.pid" \<br> op monitor interval="30s" > op start interval="0" timeout="120s" \<br>
> op stop interval="0" timeout="120s" \<br>> op monitor interval="30s"<br><br> <br><br>can you please help me on this particular sceanrio.<br><br>