<div>Hi All</div>
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<div>I am providing you the configuration I used for testing the resource migration.</div>
<li>Node-1 resource failed .</li>
<li>Message sent to node-2</li>
<li>the log message i found in ha-debug file (pengine: [15991]: notice: common_apply_stickiness: Tomcat1 can fail 999999 more times on mysql3 before being forced off)</li>
<li>The process is getting started on same node where it fails after time out.</li>
<li>stopping virtual IP</li>
<li>send note to second node-2</li>
<li>Starting VIP</li>
<li>second node starts the process.</li></ul>
<div>The total duration it is taking is about <strong>one and half minute </strong>is there any way to reduce the time for this sceanrio.</div>
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<div>Plese find the configuration i used</div>
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<div>node $id="6317f856-e57b-4a03-acf1-ca81af4f19ce" cisco-demomsf<br>node $id="87b8b88e-3ded-4e34-8708-46f7afe62935" mysql3<br>primitive Tomcat1 ocf:heartbeat:tomcat \<br> params tomcat_name="tomcat" statusurl="<a href="http://localhost:8080/dbtest/testtomcat.html">http://localhost:8080/dbtest/testtomcat.html</a>" java_home="/" catalina_home="/home/msf/runtime/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.18" client="curl" testregex="*</html>" \<br>
op start interval="0" timeout="60s" \<br> op monitor interval="50s" timeout="50s" \<br> op stop interval="0" \<br> meta target-role="Started"<br>
primitive Tomcat1VIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr3 \<br> params ip="<ip address>" eth_num="eth0:2" vip_cleanup_file="/var/run/bigha.pid" \<br> op start interval="0" timeout="120s" \<br>
op monitor interval="30s" \<br> meta target-role="Started"<br>colocation Tomcat1-with-ip inf: Tomcat1VIP Tomcat1<br>order Tomcat1-after-ip inf: Tomcat1VIP Tomcat1<br>property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \<br>
dc-version="1.0.9-89bd754939df5150de7cd76835f98fe90851b677" \<br> cluster-infrastructure="Heartbeat" \<br> stonith-enabled="false" \<br> no-quorum-policy="ignore" \<br>
<div>rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \<br> resource-stickiness="500"<br></div>
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