(1) initial state dummy:0 dl380g5a dummy:1 dl380g5b ============ Last updated: Thu May 21 17:45:16 2009 Current DC: dl380g5d (1a7cfd3b-c885-45a3-b893-b09adb286e5c) - partition with quorum Version: 1.0.3-2e35b8ac90a327c77ff869e1189fc70234213906 4 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes 1 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ dl380g5a dl380g5b dl380g5c dl380g5d ] Clone Set: clone Started: [ dl380g5a dl380g5b ] Operations: * Node dl380g5a: dummy:0: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5d: * Node dl380g5b: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5c: (2) dummy:1 break down, and dummy:1 move to dl380g5c dummy:0 dl380g5a dummy:1 dl380g5c ============ Last updated: Thu May 21 17:46:21 2009 Current DC: dl380g5d (1a7cfd3b-c885-45a3-b893-b09adb286e5c) - partition with quorum Version: 1.0.3-2e35b8ac90a327c77ff869e1189fc70234213906 4 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes 1 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ dl380g5a dl380g5b dl380g5c dl380g5d ] Clone Set: clone Started: [ dl380g5a dl380g5c ] Operations: * Node dl380g5a: dummy:0: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5d: * Node dl380g5b: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running) + (5) stop: rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5c: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) Failed actions: dummy:1_monitor_10000 (node=dl380g5b, call=4, rc=7, status=complete): not running (3) dummy:1 break down again, and dummy:1 move to dl380g5d dummy:0 dl380g5a dummy:1 dl380g5d ============ Last updated: Thu May 21 17:46:51 2009 Current DC: dl380g5d (1a7cfd3b-c885-45a3-b893-b09adb286e5c) - partition with quorum Version: 1.0.3-2e35b8ac90a327c77ff869e1189fc70234213906 4 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes 1 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ dl380g5a dl380g5b dl380g5c dl380g5d ] Clone Set: clone Started: [ dl380g5a dl380g5d ] Operations: * Node dl380g5a: dummy:0: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5d: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5b: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running) + (5) stop: rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5c: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running) + (5) stop: rc=0 (ok) Failed actions: dummy:1_monitor_10000 (node=dl380g5b, call=4, rc=7, status=complete): not running dummy:1_monitor_10000 (node=dl380g5c, call=4, rc=7, status=complete): not running (4) Now, the failconts for dummy:1 are; dl380g5b = 1 dl380g5c = 1 ============ Last updated: Thu May 21 17:48:06 2009 Current DC: dl380g5d (1a7cfd3b-c885-45a3-b893-b09adb286e5c) - partition with quorum Version: 1.0.3-2e35b8ac90a327c77ff869e1189fc70234213906 4 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes 1 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ dl380g5a dl380g5b dl380g5c dl380g5d ] Clone Set: clone Started: [ dl380g5a dl380g5d ] Operations: * Node dl380g5a: dummy:0: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5d: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5b: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running) + (5) stop: rc=0 (ok) * Node dl380g5c: dummy:1: migration-threshold=1 + (3) start: rc=0 (ok) + (4) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running) + (5) stop: rc=0 (ok) Failed actions: dummy:1_monitor_10000 (node=dl380g5b, call=4, rc=7, status=complete): not running dummy:1_monitor_10000 (node=dl380g5c, call=4, rc=7, status=complete): not running