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Sun Jun 16 17:54:59 UTC 2024

crm configure group udom udom-drbd-udom0 udom-drbd-udom1 udom-drbd-udom2
udom-delay udom-delay udom-vm meta is-managed=false
WARNING: dom0-fs-Domain00: timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advised
 - the group is not created.

So the check of the first group prevents me to create a new group.
Interestingly the first group creation also reported warning, but the group
itself was created.

With regards,

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Hi all,<br><br>I think the start timeout check has indirectly introduced so=
me bug.<br><br>I have already a group with Filesystem primitive in it:<br>g=
roup dom0 dom0-drbd-Domain00 dom0-fs-Domain00 dom0-vsppreconsole \<br>=A0=
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 meta is-managed=3D"true"<br>
<br>I want to create a new group from primitives that already exist:<br>crm=
(live)configure# group udom udom-drbd-udom0 udom-drbd-udom1 udom-drbd-udom2=
 udom-delay udom-delay udom-vm meta is-managed=3Dfalse<br>crm(live)configur=
e# commit<br>
WARNING: dom0-fs-Domain00: timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advise=
d 60<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br>=A0 File "/usr/sbin/crm&=
quot;, line 7561, in ?<br>=A0=A0=A0 try: parse_line(levels,shlex.split(inp)=
=A0 File "/usr/sbin/crm", line 7437, in parse_line<br>=A0=A0=A0 r=
v =3D d() # execute the command<br>=A0 File "/usr/sbin/crm", line=
 7436, in <lambda><br>=A0=A0=A0 d =3D lambda: cmd[0](*args)<br>=A0 Fi=
le "/usr/sbin/crm", line 2977, in commit<br>
=A0=A0=A0 rc2 =3D self.verify("verify")<br>=A0 File "/usr/sb=
in/crm", line 2882, in verify<br>=A0=A0=A0 rc2 =3D set_obj.verify2()<b=
r>=A0 File "/usr/sbin/crm", line 5219, in verify2<br>=A0=A0=A0 rc=
 |=3D obj.check_sanity()<br>
=A0 File "/usr/sbin/crm", line 5735, in check_sanity<br>=A0=A0=A0=
 ra_type =3D self.node.getAttribute("type")<br>=A0 File "/us=
r/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/", line 685, in=
=A0=A0=A0 return self._attrs[attname].value<br>TypeError: unsubscriptable o=
bject<br><br>From command line:<br>crm configure group udom udom-drbd-udom0=
 udom-drbd-udom1 udom-drbd-udom2 udom-delay udom-delay udom-vm meta is-mana=
WARNING: dom0-fs-Domain00: timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advise=
d 60<br>=A0- the group is not created.<br><br>So the check of the first gro=
up prevents me to create a new group. Interestingly the first group creatio=
n also reported warning, but the group itself was created.<br>
<br>With regards,<br>Tino<br>


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