[Pacemaker] Master-Slave role stickiness

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Mon Mar 30 01:38:26 UTC 2015

> On 23 Jan 2015, at 9:13 am, brook davis <brook.davis at nimboxx.com> wrote:
> < snip >
>> It sounds like default-resource-stickiness does not kick in; and with
>> default resource-stickiness=1 it is expected (10 > 6).  Documentation
>> says default-recource-stickiness is deprecated so may be it is ignored
>> in your version altogether? What "ptest -L -s" shows?
> I see now that default-resource-stickiness has been marked deprecated.  Thanks for the tip on ptest  that's helpful... though, it looks like my 14.04 Ubuntu I'm using ships with crm_simulate instead, so using that...
> I've seemingly successfully set the default stickiness using the crm_attribute command and set it in the resource defaults section, as you can see in my updated config here:
> root at elmyra:~# crm configure show
> node $id="168430537" elmyra \
>    attributes standby="off"
> node $id="168430539" president \
>    attributes standby="off" maintenance="off"
> primitive NIMHA-01 ocf:heartbeat:nimha \
>    op start interval="0" timeout="60s" \
>    op monitor interval="30s" role="Master" \
>    op stop interval="0" timeout="60s" \
>    op monitor interval="45s" role="Slave"
> ms NIMMS-01 NIMHA-01 \
>    meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" target-role="Started" is-managed="true"
> location prefer-elmy-inf NIMMS-01 5: elmyra
> location prefer-elmyra-ms NIMMS-01 \
>    rule $id="prefer-elmyra-rule" $role="Master" 10: #uname eq elmyra
> location prefer-pres-inf NIMMS-01 5: president
> location prefer-president-ms NIMMS-01 \
>    rule $id="prefer-president-rule" $role="Master" 5: #uname eq president
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>    dc-version="1.1.10-42f2063" \
>    cluster-infrastructure="corosync" \
>    stonith-enabled="false" \
>    no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>    last-lrm-refresh="1421964175" \
>    default-resource-stickiness="200" \
>    symmetric-cluster="false"
> rsc_defaults $id="rsc_defaults-options" \
>    resource-stickiness="200"
> root at elmyra:~#
> And here's the output of ptest/crm_simulate:
> root at elmyra:~# crm_simulate -L -s
> Current cluster status:
> Online: [ elmyra president ]
> Master/Slave Set: NIMMS-01 [NIMHA-01]
>     Masters: [ elmyra ]
>     Slaves: [ president ]
> Allocation scores:
> clone_color: NIMMS-01 allocation score on elmyra: 5
> clone_color: NIMMS-01 allocation score on president: 5
> clone_color: NIMHA-01:0 allocation score on elmyra: 205
> clone_color: NIMHA-01:0 allocation score on president: 5
> clone_color: NIMHA-01:1 allocation score on elmyra: 5
> clone_color: NIMHA-01:1 allocation score on president: 205
> native_color: NIMHA-01:0 allocation score on elmyra: 205
> native_color: NIMHA-01:0 allocation score on president: 5
> native_color: NIMHA-01:1 allocation score on elmyra: -INFINITY
> native_color: NIMHA-01:1 allocation score on president: 205
> NIMHA-01:0 promotion score on elmyra: 14
> NIMHA-01:1 promotion score on president: 9
> Transition Summary:
> root at elmyra:~#
> So, am I correct in my assessment that stickiness does not apply to the promotion score?

You are correct for the version you have, but I'm reasonably sure it does for later versions.

>  The 200 value I set the default resource stickiness to seems to be taking affect.  Not sure I entirely understand the scoring, or at least the way crm_simulate is representing it, however.
> Any insights, ideas, thoughts, help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> brook
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