[Pacemaker] CRM property mysql_replication

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Fri Jul 17 08:32:56 UTC 2015

17.07.2015 10:46, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> The attribute is not listed in the PE meta-data and therefore
> considered an error. You can make crmsh less strict like this:
> # crm option set core.check_mode relaxed
> It'll still print the error, but your changes are going to be
> committed.
> Given that it is common practice for some RA to stuff its
> attributes into cluster properties, this should be handled
> better. Probably by not running the PE meta-data check for
> property elements which are not "cib-bootstrap-options".

I run patched version of crmsh (with meta checks disabled) for many years.

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